On October the 6th 2003, the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice held a rally for the first time at a famous scenic spot in central Munich called Maria Square.
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The Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice holds its first German rally in Munich | Statement of Jiang Zemins Condemnation outlining Jiangs crimes was read out |
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People from different walks of life volunteer to take part in the trial for justice. They were shocked by Jiangs crimes. | Chinese tourists stop to learn more about the public trial against Jiang |
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A representative from the Organisation of Persecuted People addresses the rally | The man in the red outfit said loudly: Gunning down Jiang Zemin will do. Why dont you do that? |
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A practitioner explains the facts to people signing the petition in various languages | |
Translated from Chinese at http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200310/24970.html
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