Secret Order in Jilin Prison: Count Deaths From Force-Feeding as "Suicide" or "Death From Natural Causes"

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The authorities of Jilin Prison have just issued a secret order to isolate the Falun Gong practitioners who have gone on hunger strikes into small cells for close surveillance and force-feeding. Deaths that occur due to force-feeding will be counted as suicides or deaths from natural causes. There are currently seven practitioners who are being tortured by barbaric force-feeding.

The prison authorities have forbidden all staff from allowing any Falun Gong practitioners to die in the jail dormitory. So the practitioners are locked into small cells, where each death will be regarded as either a natural death or a suicide.

The perpetrators are named below:
Political Commissar: Liu Changjiang
Education Section Chief: Tan Fuhua
Education Section staff member: Li Yongsheng
Prison Administration Section Chief: Liu Wei
Fourth Group staff member: Zhang Guilin
Sixth Group leader: Peng Hongjun
Fifth Group leader: Lin (considered the most reprehensible perpetrator)
Inmates serving as accomplices: Xu Zhigang, Gao Yulin, Guo Shutie

Jilin Prison telephone list:

(Country code: 81; City code: 432)
Warden: 4885488
Secretary Section: 4881559
Prison Administration Section: 2409418
Education Section: 4881551 ext. 3040

(Country code: 81; City code: 431)
Jilin Province Prison Administration Bureau: 275-0068
The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Jilin Province Prison Administration Bureau: 275-0061, 275-0057
The Supervisory Division of Jilin Province Prison Administration Bureau: 275-0062

Chinese version available at

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