Police Brutality: Putting a Female Dafa Practitioner in a Cage to be Bitten by Mosquitoes

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Dafa practitioner Ms Hu Aiyun was fortunate to start practising Falun Dafa in 1996. Since then, her views about life have changed. Before she learned to practise Falun Dafa, she was a person who was very competitive and she had also developed many diseases. After learning Falun Dafa, she always considered others first when doing things, and both her mind and body changed dramatically.

On July 20, 1999, the Jiang Zemin's persecution policies forced the local authorities to suddenly confiscate and destroy all Falun Dafa books and launch a crackdown against Falun Dafa practitioners. Hu Aiyun went to appeal and was illegally detained many times. During her first appeal, she was detained for five days. During her second appeal, she did not want the cruel people to arrest her and she jumped from the second floor of a hotel to escape. As a result, one of her feet was injured. After she returned home, she practised the exercises and quickly recovered from her injury. She told the officials, "Falun Dafa is a great way of cultivation practice which can truly elevate people's morality, and you should not listen to the lies from the evil authorities." After Hu went to Beijing to appeal for the third time, she was detained. She did not reveal her name, and she was released after 12 days of detention. When she went to appeal for the fourth time, the persecution became aggravated. Since she did not reveal her name, the brutal police transferred her from Beijing to the Zhao County Detention Centre, where the police chief threatened to burn her with a lighter or beat her with the bottom of a leather soled shoe. However, she was not intimidated at all by the threats. Seeing that he had no way of changing her, the police chief said angrily in the end, "I don't want to have anything to do with her any more. Whoever wants to deal with her, take her."

Another policeman put Hu into a steel cage. Her hands were cuffed to the top of the cage. Inside the cage, she could neither stand straight nor squat down. They placed the cage, with Hu Aiyun inside it, under a tree. The summer weather was hot and humid, and the air was thick with swarms of mosquitoes. She was forced to remain in the cage outside for eight days where she was subjected to thousands of mosquito bites as the swarms covered her. A person without her strength of character and personal conviction would not have been able to endure such suffering. However, with her strong faith in Dafa, she passed through the ordeal. During the night, her body was covered with mosquito bites, however the swelling and allergic reaction faded away during the daytime. Other inmates in the detention centre could not help but shed tears. She had such strong righteous thoughts that the police ran out of methods to force her to renounce her belief in Falun Dafa. In the end, they bought a train ticket and respectfully brought her to the train, telling her, "You can go home now!"

After she returned home, Hu Aiyun encouraged more fellow practitioners to step forward. She clarified the truth and helped more people see through the lies fabricated by Jiang's regime. Because of this, she was reported to the police by a misled person, and was sentenced to two years in brutal Wanjia Forced Labour Camp, where she continued to clarify the truth to the guards, the labour camp director, and the inmates. When her term was over, the guards quickly encouraged her family members to take her home..

However, less than a year after she was released, the police put her name on their wanted list again and set forth to abduct her. It has already been over a year since her arrest. Her family members have not been permitted to see her, and also received the news several days ago that Hu was given a heavy sentence of eleven years. We all know that only those criminals who have committed severe crimes are given such a heavy sentence. What crime has Hu Aiyun committed by believing in the principle of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" and seeking to uplift her morality?!

We are exposing the injustice that has happened to Hu Aijun to let the whole world clearly see the dark side of China, so that they will no longer be deceived by Jiang's lies.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/8/1/80748.html

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