The following descriptions and illustrations expose additional methods of torture used in Chinese detention centres, prisons, labour camps and brainwashing centres on steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners. The authorities administer these tortures in an attempt to force practitioners to renounce their belief or to give information about Dafa activities.
Being dragged across the floor
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The Daqing Detention Centre abducted a female Falun Gong practitioner, who was later literally dragged into a psychiatric hospital for further persecution. Her back was severely injured by the dragging.
Being tightly bundled up and suffocated with a blanket
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This method of torture is often used in the heat of summer. Several police guards swarm over the practitioner and tightly bundle them in a quilt. As a result, the practitioner suffers dizziness and nausea and sweats profusely.
Pouring cold water over practitioners
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Winters are piercingly cold in northern China. Practitioners, some wearing lightweight cotton clothes, some stripped of their clothes, are placed in front of vents, open doors and windows, and then cold water is poured on their bodies. This causes the victims to shiver from head to toe, and their heads feel numb and ache painfully. Some practitioners even lose consciousness from this abuse.
"Flying an airplane" while carrying glasses of water in both hands
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In this torture, the victim's head is bent down until it cannot go down any further, while the hands are pulled up from the back, and the practitioner is forced to hold two glasses of water on his hands. If a slight imbalance or sway of the body makes the water splash out of the glasses, the victim will be beaten up.
Having the hands handcuffed behind the back and feet shackled
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Being tortured this way, the victim is unable to take care of his daily needs. Other inmates have to take care of his eating, drinking, and relieving himself. Having the hands handcuffed behind the back makes the victim's shoulders extremely painful as if they are being torn apart. When sleeping, the victim is unable to lie on his side and he cannot lie on his back either. He has to turn over every one or two minutes. Heavy iron shackles weighing well over 50 pounds are fastened on the victim's ankles with thick iron cuffs. Heavy chains link the two iron cuffs to each other, between the practitioner's ankles. The extreme weight and awkwardness of the shackles makes it very difficult for the victim to move even one step. The iron shackles' hitting the floor makes a loud clanging noise. The victim's ankles are often raw and bleeding from the rubbing of the shackles. One practitioner was tortured this way for two weeks in a row.
Trampling on toes
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Being hung up
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This method of torture is often used to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their belief. The victim is hung up with ropes, iron cable or handcuffs. His feet are off the ground or only the toes are touching the ground. The pain is hard to endure. This method is widely used in detention centres, labour camps and prisons in China.
Hidden water dungeon
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On the surface, one cannot see a trace of this method of torture. Previously, some people charged that the Beijing Huairou Detention Centre had a water dungeon. The United Nations sent a team to investigate but did not find it.
A Falun Gong practitioner from Daqing was once tortured by means of the "water dungeon" in the Beijing Huairou Detention Centre. His shoes and socks were first removed and he was forced to wear cotton clothes and trousers. His hands were handcuffed and his feet were attached to shackles weighing 40 pounds, which are supposed to be used only on condemned prisoners. In addition, the handcuffs and shackles were connected to each other in front of his chest, so that he was unable to move and was forced to hold one contorted position. The police guards first poured water in the low-lying place near the toilet and placed the victim in the water. They then ordered criminal inmates to take turns pouring water on him. When the victim's coat and pants become a little bit dry, they would pour water over him again, so that his body was continuously soaked. Long period of soaking in water made the victim's entire body swollen, whitened, and the skin began to fester. The pain is unbearable.
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