By Australian Falun Dafa practitioner Qiwen
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Ms. Tang Yiwen
It was spring of 1998. At the request of Lisa, Ms. Tang Yiwen's sister, another practitioner and I met Yiwen in Guangzhou when I went back to China for a visit. We had a wonderful talk. Yiwen was a very active and energetic person and spoke English very well. Soon after we met, her mobile phone rang and she started to speak Japanese with the caller. Later she told us that her Japanese was more fluent than her English.
Yiwen had started to practise Falun Gong only a short while ago. The three of us talked freely on various topics. We talked about our personal cultivation, as well as our daily lives. We talked for long hours, like family members, without reservations. Yiwen was optimistic and kind-hearted. I thought everyone would like her.
Over a year later, Jiang's regime started the suppression of Falun Gong in China. Newspapers and TV all over the country were full of slander and defamation of Falun Gong. Even innocent students were compelled to hate Falun Gong.
I could not help worrying about Yiwen then: She had only started to practise a little over a year ago. Could she withstand this ordeal? Later, I learned that the police had detained and brutally tortured her, to the point where her legs were disabled, and the only reason for this abuse was that she upheld her belief in Falun Dafa and would not tell a lie against her conscience. The first time I heard about this, I felt very sad. It was hard to believe that those lawless people could commit such an evil deed against a friendly and refined young lady like Yiwen.
However, three years of torture in the labour camp could not change Yiwen's kindness, her moral character and her righteous belief in Falun Dafa. She was forced to do slave labour, was beaten and abused at will and was forced to watch deceiving programmes again and again. But so far, she hasn't uttered a single lie in the face of these adversities.
Yiwen once wrote this in the labour camp, "It's like a living hell here. Filth, violence and terror are everywhere, but my mind is clear, and I will not be fooled by any of their lies and games. I know what I should do." "Disabling my legs was agonizing, and so is the torture. If I am tortured to death, the impact on my parents will be terrible. However, what is more terrifying than pain is the torture of the mind, engraved in one's heart forever. A human should live like a human, with conscience, integrity and courage. Compassion could move us to tears, but we could not turn white to black in the face of brutality and betray our conscience."
Chinese version available at
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