On the afternoon of 26th of January, having spent the morning in the nearby city of Cambridge, eight Falun Dafa practitioners travelled to Peterborough. It had been pouring with heavy rain that day, with powerful gusts of wind. As we arrived in Peterborough, still soaking wet from the earlier rain, the sun broke through the clouds for the first time that day. The sky was clear blue and the wind had dropped by the time we had set up the poster display about the persecution and about Falun Gong, and begun to hand out leaflets revealing the human rights abuses in China. It really felt as though everything had been perfectly arranged for the first public display of Falun Dafa in Peterborough. Practitioners performed the exercises in front of a beautiful old building in the large square in front of the cathedral. The square was busy with people coming and going, enjoying the sudden spell of good weather and they stopped to watch the exercises and look at the posters and ask questions. Many took leaflets eagerly. In a short time, we had handed out several hundred leaflets.
One Chinese person was so astonished, he called someone on his mobile phone, saying something like "Falun Gong has come to Peterborough, come and see, people are practising Falun Gong here in Peterborough."
Although we only stayed in Peterborough for under two hours, we felt that it was more than worthwhile, especially since this was the first time for such an event in Peterborough. There are always kind-hearted people with a conscience who want to know the truth of the brutal persecution, and there are always people who treasure the opportunity to learn about Falun Gong and its principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. We were only too happy to give them the opportunity.

Reported by UK practitioner
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