The following day, we demonstrated the exercises on Pafos seafront and awakened much interest from the Sunday afternoon walkers of various nationalities who happily received our flyers.
On our way back to the hotel, we became lost and asked for directions in a restaurant with Chinese staff. We were very happy to tell them of the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Prior to leaving England, a press release had been sent to all media organisations on the island of Cyprus. This had yielded a telephone interview which resulted in an article being published the day before we began our trip. The article had contained some favourable content which people on the island later mentioned to us.
In Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, we delivered a letter to the mayor’s office. We also left many leaflets at the libraries in all the towns we visited. We clarified the truth to those we met via leaflets, flyers, other materials, explanation of the facts of the persecution as well as sharing our own positive experiences of practising Falun Gong.
Later that day, we had a radio interview with a very affable interviewer who gave us 35 minutes of air time. During this time, we were able to answer the questions posed, convey the peace, power and practical nature of Falun Gong. We were also able to talk about the principles of Falun Gong and the injustice of the persecution as well as how people could help. At the end of the interview, the interviewer shook our hands warmly and wished us well promising to repeat our website details and local itinerary later in the programme.

UK practitioners
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