Hong Kong Practitioners Appeal to Local Argentine Consulate
On the afternoon of December 29th, Hong Kong Practitioners paraded from Chater Garden to the Argentina Consulate to appeal. Regarding the assault of practitioners by assailants instigated by the Chinese Embassy in Argentina, Hong Kong practitioners are calling on the Argentina government to resist the Chinese Communist Regime's exportation of violence and to protect practitioners' human rights.
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Practitioners marching toward Argentinean Consulate in Hong Kong | An consular official received practitioners' open letter |
Hong Kong practitioners described the incident in which the Chinese Embassy in Argentina dispatched thugs to assault their fellow practitioners who were protesting 610 Office head Luo Gan's visit to Buenos Aires and some practitioners as well as some Argentinean civilians who tried to stop the assault were injured. They called on the Argentinean government to not yield to the Chinese Communist regime's pressure and to stop the exportation of violence. They also called on the government to hold the assailants and the behind-the-scene instigators accountable in order to amend its image as a democratic state and protect its own people's future.
On December 14th, 2005, practitioners held a rally on the square outside Argentina's Parliament and protested Luo Gan's visit to Argentina. Luo Gan is one of the prime culprits in the persecution of Falun Gong in China. When practitioners unfurled banners to protest the visit of Luo Gan and the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) delegation on the square, thugs dispatched by the CCP embassy brutally beat the practitioners, and snatched their banners and posters. Argentinean civilians who stepped forward to stop the violence were also brutally beaten. Police on the scene did not intervene and were said to have orders to not intervene. The police did not take any of the CCP thugs into custody. Many reporters and local residents were present and witnessed the brutal act.
During the 6-year persecution of Falun Gong, among the chief culprits, "610 Office" head Luo Gan is second only to former Chinese president Jiang Zemin. Luo has committed many felonies including crimes of genocide and torture and has thus been sued in many cities around the world. Luo was served with a lawsuit by the Argentinean federal court the day before the assault.
In the open letter to the Argentinean Consulate, Hong Kong practitioners expressed their deep regret that the Argentinean government has yielded to the Chinese Communist regime and allowed it to violently attack practitioners on its own soil. Practitioners pointed out that the incident has tainted Argentina's reputation as a democratic country. In the end of the letter, practitioners reminded the Argentinean government that the Chinese Communist Party advocates lies and violence and is approaching its doom and Argentina should not cooperate with it.
Practitioners read the open letter in front of the consulate and gave the letter, as well as a copy of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other Falun Gong materials, to a consular official.
Singapore Practitioners Call on the Argentine Government Not to Yield to the Chinese Communist Party
On December 27th, 2005, Singapore practitioners mailed an open letter to the Argentine government. In the letter, they expressed their deep concern about the recent assault of practitioners by thugs dispatched by Chinese Embassy in Argentina. As Argentina has no embassy in Singapore, practitioners mailed the letter to the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, entrusting the Ministry to pass it on to Argentina Government.
Since the publication of the Epoch Times' Editorials Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party which systematically disclosed the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party, Chinese have in succession formally denounced the CCP and as of today more than 6.7 million people have withdrawn from the evil party. The CCP will soon collapse. Singapore practitioners hope that the Argentine government will see situation clearly and uphold justice.
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