This is the 7th Chinese New Year since the persecution began in July 20th, 1999.
The persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not stopped for a single heartbeat since 1999. Statistics on the Minghui/ website show that more than 2,813 innocent Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death. At least 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been sentenced to illegal prison terms, more than 100,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to labour camps, and several thousand practitioners were sent to mental hospitals, where they were injected with drugs that damage the nervous system. Furthermore, countless Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and taken to local brainwashing centres for persecution. Many have been physically abused and heavily fined. In 2005 alone, more than 392 people died as a result of the persecution.
Many children and elderly were left behind when practitioners were tortured to death. Since September 14th, 2004, when Minghui began to collect information about orphans whose parents were tortured to death, 376 orphans, including 56 children under 6 years old, were officially recorded.
At the time when families meet for joyous celebrations, many family members of those tortured to death feel the loss of their parents, spouses, and children deeply.
Below are some of the tragic stories.
1. January 31st, 2005 -- the day when Zhuangzhuang's father left this world
As of January 31st, 2005, five-year-old Zhuangzhuang, a little boy, lost his father under tragic circumstances. His father, Mr. Pan Xingfu, was persecuted to death for his beliefs. He was the former deputy director of the Telecommunications Exchange Centre in Shuangyashan City and also deputy director for the Telecommunications Bureau in Youyi County, Heilongjiang Province. Mr. Pan gave his life for his belief in Falun Dafa, "Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance," when he was only 31 years old. Zhuangzhuang's mother, Ms. Zhang Li, was sentenced to nine years in prison in January 2003 and is now imprisoned in the Harbin City Women's Prison, in violation of the Chinese constitution.
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Photo of Zhuangzhuang, taken 2 days before his father died | Photo of Mr. Pan Xingfu, Dafa practitioner from Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province |
The little boy's father died on January 31st, 2005. His mother is imprisoned in Harbin City Women's Prison, for a 9-year term.
On July 8th, 2004, Mudanjiang City Jail authorities, to avoid responsibility for his health condition, took Mr. Pan Xingfu to the Shuanyashan City Infectious Diseases Hospital. By then he weighed 40 kg (approximately 86 lbs) and was suffering from grave illnesses. On July 20th Mr. Pan was taken home. In January 2005, Mr. Pan's illness deteriorated. He became even more emaciated and his abdomen was distended severely. At 11:00 p.m. January 31st, 2005, Mr. Pan Xingfu died, leaving his sixty four-year-old mother, his five-year-old son and his imprisoned wife alone in this world.
Mr. Pan Xingfu was born on February 25th, 1974 in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. In 1993, he listened to Mr. Li Hongzhi's lectures and exercise teachings in Wuhan. He graduated from the university in 1994 and was assigned to work in the Network Division, Shuangyashang City Post and Telecommunications Office. A job performance review in1995 earned him the title "Advanced Worker." In 1997, he earned the title "Model Worker" for rejuvenating the city through science and education. In 1998, he earned a title of distinction and was named "Trans-century Specialist." On December 12th, 1999, Mr. Pan was granted a title of Telecommunications Engineer. In 2000, he became deputy director of the Telecommunications Exchange Centre in Shuangyashan City and also deputy director of the Telecommunications Bureau in Youyi County.
Zhuangzhuang's mother, Zhang Li, also a technical specialist, worked at the same place as his father. She once took part in advanced studies abroad.
Zhuangzhuang was born on October 5th, 1999. He was a wonderful little boy. Since Jiang's regime had begun persecuting Dafa, Zhuangzhuang's entire family went to appeal for Falun Gong and was repeatedly persecuted. Zhuangzhuang was thus indirectly persecuted.
On July 19th, 2000, authorities from the Political Security Section in Shuangyashan City Police Department, having received a coded telegram from the Provincial Police Department saying that Mr. Pan had accessed Minghui [Chinese version of] over the Internet, illegally detained Mr. Pan and imprisoned him in a detention centre for over one month.
On December 28th, 2000, Mr. Pan and his family members went to Beijing to appeal. In Tiananmen Square, police kicked and struck him, knocking off his glasses and bruising his fingers.
Later on, Mr. Pan was detained in Tiananmen Square police station, the Shahe Labour Camp and then in the Changhe County police station patrol. On the way back to the Shuangyashan police station, he escaped, but did not return home to avoid further persecution. His mother and his wife, carrying Zhuangzhuang, returned home. Mr. Pan's mother was then arrested by policeman Wang Xuchun from the Wohongqiao Police Station and held in a detention centre. She was released four months later.
In order to continue practising Falun Dafa and to avoid harassment, Mr. Pan's wife left home with ten-month-old Zhuangzhuang. On May 4th, 2001, she was unlawfully detained in Baoqing County. Perpetrators were the section chief Han from the Political and Security Section of Baoqing County Police Department and policeman Qiang Gang. In those days, baby Zhuangzhuang had no mother's milk, no father's care, and couldn't see his grandmother. This lasted for a total of four months.
In May 2001, Pan Xingfu and another practitioner, Ji Songshan (Ji Songshan was killed by the Shuangyashan 610 Office1 on June 18th, 2003) were arrested by Shuangyashan Patrol Team officers Xu Hongkai and Shang Ancheng. Since then, Pan Xingfu was imprisoned in the Shuangyashan Detention Centre.
At 8:00 a.m. on March 7th, 2002, the court heard Mr. Pan's case. His wife and three-year-old Zhuangzhuang were stopped from entering the court. Mr. Pan was sentenced to a five-year term.
On May 15th, Mr. Pan's wife Zhang Li was arrested at home. At 3:50 a.m. Mr. Pan's mother was arrested at home, which left three-year-old Zhuangzhuang without care at home.
That same year, Mr. Pan's second oldest brother and his wife were illegally sent to a labour camp.
Mr. Pan Xingfu was detained at four different places during that time. He was first taken to Shuangyashan Detention Centre, then Qitaihe Forced Labour Camp, then Suihua Forced Labour Camp and finally to Mudanjiang Forced Labour Camp. He was forced to do many odd jobs -- feeding pigs, making dough, cleaning floors, etc.
On September 18th, 2002, his brother, Pan Xingkun was confined in a small cell and forced to sit on a Tiger Bench, for resisting the persecution. Police team leader Hao Liangui and deputy leader Fan Xiaodong ordered inmate Zeng Lingjun to cruelly beat Pan Xingkun. Then, Ji Feng, the labour camp director, told the police to turn up a tape player to the maximum volume to keep Pan Xingkun from sleeping.
In January 2003, Pan Xingfu's wife Zhang Li was sentenced to a nine-year prison term and was sent to Harbin City Women's Prison in April.
One day in June 2004, three years after his detention, Pan Xingfu suddenly fainted and his health deteriorated from then on. On June 18th, 2004, he was taken to the police hospital in Mudanjiang City and was hospitalized as a TB in-patient. He was diagnosed as having pleurisy and lung tissue damage. Mr. Pan's body was very weak. He could not even go to the toilet by himself. On July 8th, 2004, Mudanjiang Prison authorities sent Pan Xingfu to the Shuangyashan City Infectious Diseases Hospital. At that time he weighed only around 40 kg (approximately 86 lbs). Even his 64-year-old mother could carry him on her back.
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Mr. Pan Xingfu was set free after he was grossly abused and tormented to the brink of death in Mudanjiang City Jail. |
On July 20th, 2004, Pan Xingfu was sent home. While at home he ate only a little each day, walked by supporting himself along the wall, and had difficulty breathing during the night. At the end of January 2005, Pan Xingfu's condition suddenly deteriorated. He continued to lose weight and his abdomen distended badly. Pan Xingfu died on January 31st, 2005 at 11:00 p.m., leaving his deeply beloved mother, five-year-old son and his imprisoned wife behind.
2. In less than 3 years, 10-year-old Liu Mohan lost his father and grandfather
Falun Gong practitioner Liu Chengjun of Nongan County, Jilin Province was tortured to death on December 26th, 2003. His son Liu Mohan is ten years old and a student in Class 5, Grade 5 at Ernong Elementary School in Jiutai City, Jilin Province.
Liu Chengtai passed away on March 28th, 2005, less than two years after his son, Liu Chengjun was tortured to death for broadcasting videos exposing the persecution of Falun Dafa on cable TV in Changchun City.
Mr. Liu Changtai, 67 years old, lived in Nongan County, Jilin Province. His son Liu Chengjun, 33 years old, broadcasted videos exposing the persecution of Dafa along with several other practitioners in Changchun City and Songyuan City on March 5th, 2002. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison and held at Jilin Prison, where he was savagely tortured. His legs were disabled from torture and he could not walk. After 21 months of nightmarish abuse he passed away at 4:30 a.m. on December 26th, 2003 at Jilin University Sino-Japanese Hospital. The authorities cremated his body at 10:40 a.m., despite protests from his family.
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An April 1, 2002, photo of Mr. Chengjun Liu in police custody. Liu was unable to sit up on his own and had to lean against the wall. There were bloodstains on his shirt. (Source: China News) |
Liu Changtai's wife fainted, crying, and Liu Changtai developed an egg yolk-sized blister in his throat that almost suffocated him. The elderly couple's condition didn't improve until after they had received more than 20 days of medical treatment. They were heartbroken.
Liu Changtai wrote a letter to the various levels of the government saying, "I want justice or I will not be able to spend the rest of my days in peace! I just cannot understand how someone who was simply being a good person could be brutally murdered this way. Where is the law and where is justice in this large country? I can't imagine what methods they used to kill my son, as I saw blood coming out of my son's nostrils, ears and thighs. Why?"
After Liu Chengjun was tortured to death, the perpetrators went to his home to monitor and harass his family. Liu Changtai's daughter Liu Lin was arrested by officers from the Beijing City Police Department on December 17th, 2004 and was not allowed family visits.
More tragedies like these are still happening.
1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.
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