Family Doubts Ashes Released by Police Are Those of Missing Practitioner Wu Minghzhong

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On February 11th, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Mingzhong was arrested by policemen from the Jinniu District Station of Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. On February 18th, police notified Mr. Wu's family that he had committed suicide, but his family did not see his body, only what were supposed to be his ashes.

Mr. Wu Mingzhong was in his 40s, and had graduated from Chengdu City Electronic Science University. He started practising Falun Dafa in 1995. On January 5th, 2000, he was reported when sharing his experiences in a fellow practitioner's house, and was arrested by police. He was sentenced to eighteen months forced labour.

During his forced labour term in the Dayan Farm of Ziyang Prison, Mr. Wu Mingzhong was tortured by guards. He continued to be harassed by local policemen of the Chengxi Station after being released in June 2001. On February 11th, 2002, his landlord reported the Falun Dafa materials production site in his home in the Jiuliti School teacher's family housing, and he was arrested by police.

On February 18th, 2002, police notified Mr. Wu Mingzhong's family that he had committed suicide. [Note: When practitioners in China are tortured to death, the authorities commonly list the cause of death as "suicide"] Mr. Wu's father went to the Jinniu District Police Station, but he did not see his body or his last photo, only a box of ashes that the police said were Mr. Wu Mingzhong's. His father said he does not believe it since he did not see the body. A box of ashes cannot prove his identity.

Exactly where Mr. Wu Mingzhong is remains a mystery.

Chinese version available at

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