Details of the Persecution that Caused the Death of Mr Li Boping, from Hubei Province

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Dafa practitioner Li Boping, from Ezhou City, Hubei province, continued to practise Falun Gong after the persecution started on July 20th, 1999. At that time, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers arrested him. They threatened him, monitored him, sent him to brainwashing classes, and to mental hospitals, etc. Due to relentless persecution, he went from being a person who was completely healthy and full of energy to suffering a mental collapse. He died in March 2002 after falling off of a building.

Mr. Li Boping, was born in 1954. He was the former office manager in a country credit union in Ezhou City, Hubei Province. Before practising Falun Gong, each year Li Boping spent over ten thousand yuan1 of public medical expenses (that was before the reform of the medical system). Sometimes he even spent over ten thousand yuan. He had to hold onto the handrail to climb up the stairs. In the end, his illness became worse, and the doctor said he could only live for three months.

Right when he was at the edge of dying, in 1996, Li Boping was lucky to find Falun Gong and began to practise. Since then, he followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance", his physical condition rapidly recovered and he became a healthy person. He was energetic and the illness that had tortured him for several years quickly disappeared. Most of his work unit leaders and colleagues witnessed this miracle.

The deepest impression he gave his co-workers and leaders was that after Li Boping practised Falun Gong, not only was his incurable disease fully recovered, but he also became more friendly and kind. He loved his job, worked diligently, and became a well-known and respected person in his work unit.

On July 20th, 1999, like tens of thousands of practitioners around the country, Li Boping was threatened, intimated, and later arrested by the CCP's 610 Office2 and the national security police. Later on, he was sent to brainwashing classes almost every day. He was intimidated, tortured, and his personal freedom was restricted. He was monitored and even his home and office telephones were monitored. They tried to force him to give up his practice of Falun Gong.

In September 2001, the "610 Office" in Ezhou City took Li Boping to the first session of a brainwashing class to persecute him. The leaders from his work unit resisted the pressure from above and protected him from being sent to the brainwashing class. Later on, his work unit leader said that Li Boping was a very rare, good person, and could not bear to see him being persecuted.

In the first half of 2001, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners in Ezhou City were arrested and sent to the Lianhuashan Brainwashing Class. Li Boping was arrested and taken to Ezhou City Mental Hospital located in Linjang Township and was persecuted there for three months. After Li Boping was released from the mental hospital, he began to suffer symptoms of mental illness. We suspected that while Li Boping was in the mental hospital, he must have been given some injections that damaged his central nervous system.

In the second half of 2001, Li Boping's old illness relapsed and he was sent to the hospital for several months. His work unit said they spent over ten thousand yuan. His family members said that his family also spent 1,800 yuan. After being released from the hospital, Li Boping continued to have symptoms of mental illness. In March 2002, he died from falling off a building.

After the incident, Ezhou Daily reported that Li Boping "jumped off a building" and intentionally deceived the local people by implying that Li Boping's practice of Falun Gong led him to jump off a building. The actual culprits responsible for Li Boping's death were people from the "610 Office" and those who helped them.

Ezhou City Mental Hospital

The Recovery Centre: 86-711-3613333
The Hospital Chengqu Branch: 86-711-3877500


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

2. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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