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Wishing Master happy birthday and celebrating World Falun Dafa Day |
Every May, the Celebration of the World of Nations is held in Jacksonville, the largest city in north Florida. It has become a popular activity and thousands of visitors attend. The fourteenth Celebration of the World of Nations was held this year from May 5th to 7th, 2006. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in the celebration.
The month of May this year is the fourteenth anniversary of Falun Dafa's introduction to the world. In May 14 years ago, Master Li started spreading Falun Dafa to the public. One hundred million people in over 70 countries have joined the practice. Falun Gong practitioners attending the celebration included those from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Europe, Mexico, Ecuador, representing the wide spread of Falun Dafa across the world.
Practitioners has a stall at the event and they decorated it in the spirit of the celebration. Balloons with words printed "Falun Dafa is good" and paper lotus flowers decorated the stall. A banner showed the serene practice of practitioners of different ages.
One of the most important activities of the celebration was that visitors received "passports" and got "visas" from the stalls of different countries - a stamp or a sticker. In this way, the visitors would visit all stalls. Practitioners prepared a stamp engraved "Falun Dafa is good, Truth, Compassion, Tolerance." Several thousand visited the practitioners' stall and got the stamp in their "passports". The practitioners explained to them the meaning of the stamp.
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Learning and teaching the exercises |
During the three -day event, practitioners demonstrated the five Falun Gong exercises to the visitors continuously. Many people stopped to watch and ask for information. Practitioners explained and distributed handouts to introduce Falun Gong and the persecution in China. They called more people to help end the persecution. For those who have known Falun Dafa, the practitioners exposed the CCP's atrocities of live organ removal and called for their help to stop the persecution.
A group of high-school students learned the meditation exercise. They all said they felt relaxed and peaceful. One 10-year-old boy brought his friend after learning the paper lotus flower folding and exercises.
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Media interview | A practitioner from Vietnam explains the fact to his countryman |
After hearing that many children in China become orphan because their parents are persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a lady said that she would print more postcards calling for President Bush to help rescue the orphan. She has a printing business. She will call for more people to help those orphans being persecuted in China.
Many visitors said that they watched the news about Dr. Wenyi Wang shouting at the White House and that they supported her action. Many people expressed great concern about the live organ removal and asked how to help to stop the atrocities.
A lady from Dalian, Liaoning Province, China was surprised to see Falun Gong practitioners. Though she paid attention to news in the Epoch Times, this was her first time talking directly with practitioners in the US. She said that two of her neighbours in China suffered a lot in last six years from the CCP's persecution because of practising Falun Gong. They did not waver in their determination to practice. She said she felt the power of belief.
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Many people learn folding paper lotus flowers |
During the three days, the paper lotus folding attracted many people.
A practitioner studying at the University of Florida said, "What I was moved most was that all practitioners cooperated like one body. There were practitioners of Chinese, American, Vietnam, and Spanish-speaking heritages. They explained the facts in their own languages. Many children came to learn how to fold paper lotus flowers. In the process, they got to know the persecution and that children of their age in China are being persecuted, just because that their parents do not give up their belief."
A practitioner who just came to the US from China was also touched. This was her first time to tell people freely the grace of Dafa and CCP's brutal persecution in the event together with so many fellow practitioners after the persecution.
At the end of the event, the practitioners sent greetings to Master on behalf of all practitioners in Florida.
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