Zhou Huisheng Persecuted to Death at the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp, Anshan City

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In the Autumn of 2005, Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Huisheng was speaking to people about the facts of Falun Dafa when policeman Dai Tianyu, from the Ganwang Police Sub-Station, and another policeman arrested him, detaining him in the Haicheng Custodial Station. Later he was sent to the Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp and given a one year sentence. During his detention, the policeman Dai Tianyu often went to his home and threatened his family members.

On July 26th, 2006, Ping Bo, an officer from the No. 5 Brigade of the forced labour camp in Anshan City, notified the local officials in the Public Security Bureau and his family members by phone to take Mr. Zhou home. By that time he was unconscious and on the verge of death. He was sent to directly to the hospital. A physical examination showed that his head was bleeding internally and there were clots.

He was discharged from the hospital only two days after he came in because the doctor refused to treat him. He passed away on July 30th, 2006. According to the local people, the related persons were afraid of the truth coming out and they sent three undercover spies to the hospital first to see the situation there and then to the Ganwang Police Sub-Station. They sent policeman Dai Tianyu from the Ganwang Police Sub-Station to Mr. Zhou's home to see how things were with him. When he saw that Zhou Huisheng was on the verge of death, he turned his back and left immediately.

After Mr. Zhou passed away, his family members found there was a cyst (tumour) on the right side at the back of his head. When his body was cremated, some of the head bones were black in colour.

Several spies colluded with the police in the Ganwang Police Sub-Station. They held secret discussions with the hospital and with the family members. The family was warned not to disclose anything and were told to cremate the body immediately. Currently, the Mr. Zhou's family dares not to speak out.

General office of the Ganwang Police Sub-Station: 86-412-3870020

Director Cai Wei: 86-412-3870010, 86-412-3288227, 86-13504913131 (Mobile)

Internal extension: 640399

The No. 5 Brigade of Yuemingshan Forced Labour Camp in Anshan City: 86-412-2612796

Director of the detention centre, Kong Qingyang: 86-412-3122329, 86-412-3298178, 86-13704123005 (Mobile)

The National Safety and Protection Brigade: 86-412-3223416

Chief of the brigade, Li Haihua: 86-412-3222621, 86-13804922527 (Mobile), internal extension 4609

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/8/6/134919.html

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