March 10, 2002
(To watch video footage of the parade:
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Following the extremely serious events in China, UK practitioners and practitioners from Taiwan, Switzerland, USA, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and many other countries went on a parade through London.
It was a bitterly cold day but still the atmosphere in the parade was very warm. The parade started outside the Chinese Embassy where several speeches were made. It then went through the main shopping streets of London until it reached the Prime Ministers residence, 10 Downing Street. European practitioners, including two British citizens who were persecuted in China by the Chinese police two weeks ago, handed in a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair. The letter asked the Prime Minister to help stop the brutal persecution in China, which has increased alarmingly in the last week with Jiang Zemins order to Kill them without pardon.
After handing in the letter, the parade went to the most famous square in London, Trafalgar Square, where a press conference was held. Practitioners who suffered abuse in China shared their experiences, and Lord Moyne gave a speech. There were also speeches from the European Friends of Falun Gong and the European Association.
After the speeches there was a short concert, which included a touching performance of Falun Dafa Hao [Falun Dafa is good] by a group of young children.
Despite the bad weather the whole day was a great success. There were many media reports, which were very supportive of the Falun Gong practitioners in China.
UK practitioners
March 10

Children Singing "Falun Dafa Hao" [Falun Dafa is Good]
Lord Moyne Gives a Speech
Practitioners Deliver a Letter to the UK Prime Minister' Residence
Practitioners Opposite the UK Prime MInister' Residence
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