Police Beat Students Asking for Their Mother's Release from Detention

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At around 7:00 p.m. on July 13th, 2006, officers from the Shidui Police Station in Anqiu City, Shandong Province went to the home of practitioner Liu Qingmei. After entering the home under false pretences, they arrested Ms. Liu, pushed her into a black sedan, and drove away. They detained her at the Anqiu City Detention Centre. That same night, Han Jianwu, the director of Ms. Liu's village, along with two officers from the Shidui Police Station, went to Ms. Liu's home and ransacked it.

A few days after Ms. Liu's arrest, her daughter and some relatives went to the detention centre to request Ms. Liu's release, but the police denied their request. Ms. Liu's husband was working in Qingdao City when he heard the news of her arrest. He immediately returned home and went to the Anqiu City Police Department to request her release, but again, the police denied the request.

On the afternoon of July 27th, Ms. Liu's daughter, son, and several relatives went to the Shibei District Police Department of Anqiu City to request Ms. Liu's release. Zhang Jinxiao, a police supervisor, beat them. Ms. Liu's son was bleeding at the face and neck. The following day, officers from the Shidui Police Station arrested Ms. Liu's daughter at her home. They detained her for a day before releasing her.

Ms. Liu's daughter is a student at the First Middle School of Anqiu City, and her son is a student at Jinan University. They attempted to secure their mother's release, but the Anqiu City Police responded by beating, detaining, and threatening them. Their mother remains in police custody as another victim of the persecution.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/8/7/135029.html

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