Several practitioners from Taiwan went to support truth-clarification activities in Hong Kong in late September. The following report is about a few unforgettable experiences.
When we staged a reenactment of removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, passersby were very saddened by the inhumanity of it all. How could such things happen!? People asked if it was true. On hearing, "Yes, and it is still going on," many people came to tears. They said, "It is too cruel and terrible!" They hoped this crime would stop immediately.
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People learn about the persecution of Falun Gong |
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When we clarified the truth at a train station, groups of people from China continued to pass. Our banners, pictures and displays told them everything as soon as they got off the train. A tall gentleman took a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and a special report. I gave him my only CD of the NTDTV New Year's Gala. As he left, he turned around many times and smiled with gratitude. He said, "Thank you," many times.
A young lady asked me what I had in my hand. I told her it was the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. She took one immediately. Four or five of her travel companions told her not to take it because there would be danger. The young woman didn't budge and put the precious "Nine Commentaries" in her purse. I was very moved by her righteousness.
Everyone in a group of twenty to thirty Chinese visitors took truth-clarification materials. They asked their team leader if they could. The leader said, "No problem. Try to read as much as you can while you are here." Everyone was very happy. As the team leader followed her group to leave, I thanked her. She said, "No problem!"
At the Banshan scenic site, we played truth-clarification videos to large groups of Chinese tourists. As soon as a few vans of tourists left, another group of vans came. The voice from the video rang out in quiet evening. Every Chinese tourist looked sad and heavy-hearted when the video recounted how Jiang launched the persecution of Falun Gong. However, as the video told of the wide spread of Falun Dafa around the world and showed a scene of Master Li lecturing with the beautiful music in the background, everyone's face was lit up with hope and happiness. I was often moved upon seeing people's positive reaction.
One woman asked me if she could get an extra copy of truth-clarification materials for her family. She said the CCP didn't treat people as humans.
Our days of truth-clarification flew by. I felt the compassion of Falun Dafa disciples, who bring the truth to the precious Chinese with such sincerity, rain or shine. On seeing the Chinese tourists' grateful and kind expressions, I felt the preciousness of every second.
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