Ms. Wang Bo Given Forced Injections; CCP Officials Are Trying to Sentence Her to Prison

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Young Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Bo from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province is being given nightly forced injections of unknown drugs. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials who are trying to sentence Ms. Wang and her parents to prison are administering the drugs. They are planning a trial in an attempt to cover up the persecution to avoid condemnation from the international community.

Ms. Wang and her mother Ms. Liu Shuqin are held at the No. 2 Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City. Her father Mr. Wang Xinzhong is held at the Zhao County Detention Centre. The lawless officials are planning to try Ms. Wang and her parents under the charge of "disrupting the administration of law." The proceedings are to take place at the Preliminary Court in the Changan District Court in Shijiazhuang City at 9:00 a.m. on November 10th, 2006. A trial notice has been posted in the front hall of the Changan District Court.

Ms. Wang Bo went on a second hunger strike at the No. 2 Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City on October 19th and requested her unconditional release. She has been on hunger strike for 20 days, and her condition is worrying. The Communist regime has sent at least two soldiers to inject her nightly with drugs. They give her IV infusions after she loses consciousness. They are trying to destroy her willpower.

The local police, Procuratorate and court collude with one another in persecuting Ms. Wang and her family. The Changan District Procuratorate in Shijiazhuang City has reported Ms. Wang's case to the Shijiazhuang Intermediate Court under fabricated charges. Wang Yongzhi, an official from the Hebei Province 610 Office1 who persecutes Dafa practitioners, feared condemnation from inside and outside China. He issued a secret order that a verdict must be issued regarding Ms. Wang's case within one week.

A brief summary of the persecution of Ms. Wang Bo and her family:

Practitioner Ms. Wang Bo, her father Wang Xinzhong, and mother Liu Shuqin from Shijiazhuang City went into exile to avoid persecution. They were secretly arrested on the evening of September 27th, 2006 at their rented home in Dalian City. The Hebei Province "610 Office" agents failed to "reform" them through brainwashing and transferred the three practitioners to a detention centre, where they have so far been held.

Ms. Wang Bo has endured tremendous tribulations for persisting in Falun Dafa practice. She was tortured and subjected to brainwashing. She and her parents were repeatedly arrested and sent to forced labour camps, and their family was separated many times. They reunited in August 2005, but they soon went into exile again after Ms. Wang publicly exposed the Party's brainwashing schemes and persecution. Hebei Province "610 Office" agents issued arrest warrants for all three practitioners and pursued them. They were arrested again on July 27th, 2006, taken back to Shijiazhuang City from Dalian City and detained under false charges. Ms. Wang chose to go on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

As stated above, Ms. Wang began her second hunger strike on October 19th, 2006 at the No. 2 Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City and concurrently requested unconditional release. Her father lapsed into critical condition in mid-September 2006 and was sent to the hospital emergency room. His current condition is still perilous, with a blood pressure reading of 180 over 140.

After the arrest of Ms. Wang's family, her family and friends were extremely worried. Ms. Wang's 86-year-old grandmother wrote two letters of appeal, asking for Ms. Wang Bo's and her parents' release. She wrote, "This family became healthy, and they stopped quarrelling with each other after they started practising Falun Gong, and I'm truly happy for them. After only a few short years of a serene life, however, the police began to fanatically arrest Falun Gong practitioners. My daughter told me that Falun Gong requires people to be good, according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and Falun Gong restores health. Why are the police arresting Falun Gong people as criminals? Aren't they confusing right and wrong? Everyone has parents and children! Please be reasonable, be kind, take pity on me, an 86-year-old woman! Take pity on Wang Bo and her parents, and let them go home!"

Those responsible for the persecution:

No. 2 Detention Centre in Shijiazhuang City
Address: Dongsan Street, Zhaolingpu, suburban Shijiazhuang City, Zip code: 050000
Phone: 86-311-87782024
Wang Shuting: detention centre head, 86-311-87755213, 86-13931171888 (Mobile), 86-13781581859 (Mobile)
Zhang Hongqi: political head, 86-311-87755202 (office)
Wang Zhibin: deputy head, 86-311-87755202 (office)
Hebei Province 610 Office
Address: No 46 South Weiming Street, Shijiazhuang City, Zip code: 050052
Zhang Guojun: 610 Office head, 86-311-87906310 (office); 86-311-87906898 (Home)
Wang Yongzhi: 610 Office deputy head; main person responsible for persecuting Wang Bo and her family. He colluded with the state-run Focal Point Interview program; they deceived Wang Bo and her family to defame Falun Gong; 86-311-87908681 (office), 87906766 (Home), 86-13931110731 (Mobile)


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

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