9-Year-Old Meng Yuan: "I Miss My Parents"

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My name is Meng Yuan and I am nine years old. My dad Li Jianbo and my mum Liu Xiuyun were sentenced to prison for practising Falun Dafa.

It was the afternoon of Friday, October 28th, 2005. After I returned home from school I left my backpack in the yard and went to play with my friends in the park. About 30 minutes later, around 6:00 p.m., I went back and waited for mum in front of our apartment. I waited for a long time but mum did not show up, and I started crying. Grandpa, who lives about three miles away came on his bike and said to me, "Your mum was taken away by 610 Office1 agents." I cried and followed grandpa. From then on, I was separated from my parents and I now live with my grandparents who are in their late 60s.

Earlier, around 3:00 p.m. on May 28th, 2005, mum and I were cleaning our home when six angry people came in and said they were going to ransack our home because we have some materials here. About one hour before this intrusion, dad was told to go to his work place to accompany some guests from out-of-town. He was also told to bring a camera. Later, we learned from dad's superiors that the 610 Office had forced them to say this. The 610 Office agents took dad's keys, money and other things.

Back at home, the evil people turned everything upside-down and even took my mobile phone. I was so scared I started crying. Mum was afraid I would get sick from fear, so she called grandpa and asked him to take me to his home. I cried and looked for for mum and dad all day. I didn't go to school for more than 20 days.

Mum was released on June 17th, 2005. I was ecstatic because it was my eighth birthday. Dad did not return, however, and it was said he was held at a detention centre.

Mum was no longer allowed to work, and they did not give her a single penny. Everyone was busy celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival that year while mum and I sat home and missed dad. Mum and I stayed home for five months. I was happy to be with mum but I felt sad that dad was still suffering in a detention centre.

Mum has a B.S. degree in finance and worked for 13 years as an account at the Rizhao Division of the Bank of Industry and Commerce. Dad also graduated from a university, and grandma says he worked at the same bank as my mum for 15 years. I remember dad and another lady were the hosts for every entertainment performance at his work place. In my mind, I often see dad's kind smile.

Dad was held at the detention centre for one year and 45 days. He was cruelly tortured. When he was first taken there, he did not cooperate with their unlawful administration methods and asked the officials there to quit the Communist Party. The guards hit him until blood streamed down his head. A long scar remains on his forehead to this day, and grandpa saw it when he visited him. Dad was sentenced to eight years in prison and he was taken to Division 5 of the Taian Prison on July 14th, 2005, to be brainwashed. My family took me to see him before the transfer, and I saw dad in handcuffs.

The bank didn't let mum work, and she didn't have a penny of salary. The 610 Office agents took everything from us, including deposit books. I often remember the happy days we had before the persecution.

Grandma says the bank told mumMom to go there on the afternoon of October 28th, 2005. She gladly went, thinking she would get her job back the following week. She was met by 610 Office agents who took her to a detention centre in a police car. She was held there for 11 months. Their excuse for arresting mum was that she slipped in a piece of paper with words on it along with the clothes she had sent dad. The officials who received the clothes reported to the 610 Office. They arrested her and confiscated 10,000 yuan2 from her, although she had planned to use the money for bail. They sentenced her to four years in prison and put her in the Jinan City Women's Prison on September 20th, 2006.

I have parents but I cannot see them. I think, "Why is this happening?" My parents believe in Falun Gong and follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. They are good people who clarify the truth and rescue others from poisonous government lies. There is nothing wrong with it!

I have also read Zhuan Falun [Zhuan Falun: This book comprises the principal teachings of Falun Dafa.]; it's a great book! I remember one day in the second term of first grade, I suffered from a high fever and could not go to school. Mum asked grandma to come and take care of me. My temperature was so high I could not eat breakfast or lunch. I never took pills in my life, and I only got an IV infusion once before because they made me. Grandma, also a Dafa practitioner said to me, "Meng Yuan, let's read a Falun Dafa article. I read the article twice and grandma sat next to me and listened. I didn't make any mistake and the fever soon subsided. Grandma and I both said, "Dafa books are truly miraculous!" I ate a large bowl of porridge and went to school the next day. I am very grateful to Dafa. Mum and dad have been away from me for 18 months and I'm still very healthy. Sometimes my nose drips a little but it quickly goes away. I truly believe that Dafa is helping me!

Related phone numbers in Rizhao City, Shandong Province:

Rizhao Branch of the Bank of Industry and Commerce:

Head of bank: 86-633-8329602 (office), 86-633-8329751 (home), 86-13706336619 (mobile)

Xu Xiaochun, Liu Xiuyun's (Meng Yuan's Mum's) superior: 86-13306333369 (mobile)


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

2. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/11/16/142532.html

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