Middle School Teacher Seriously Injured from Beating at Deyang Prison in Sichuan Province

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On July 12th, 2006, Mr. Wu Shihai, a middle school teacher and Falun Dafa practitioner from Liangshan, who had already become mentally disoriented due to long-term persecution at a detention centre and at Deyang Prison, was beaten again.

Prisoner Zhang Tao, who was sentenced to death with two years' reprieve, suffered from schizophrenia. Instigated by prison inmate Xiang Fan, he and Xiang beat Mr. Wu Shihai many times. On July 12th, Zhang Tao violently smashed Mr. Wu's head with a wooden chair. Consequently, Mr. Wu lost two teeth. Many areas of his face, including his jaw, were fractured. The hospital had to take 20 stitches and classified his wounds as serious.

On the afternoon of the same day, the No. 2 Zone and the 610 Office1 held a meeting in order to avoid taking any responsibility for Mr. Wu Shihai's injuries. At the meeting, the attendees unanimously decided to cover up the crimes of inmate Xiang Fan and other people that had persecuted Mr. Wu Shihai. They decided to interrogate only criminal inmate Zhang Tao. On July 19th, Director Chen Ping of No. 2 Zone took Zhang Tao to the No. 3 People's Hospital (a hospital for the mentally ill) for interrogation. They concluded that Zhang Tao was in a normal state of mind when the crime happened on July 12th. Yet four months have passed, and criminal Zhang Tao has not been held legally responsible for his actions.

Mr. Wu used to work as a teacher at the Minority Middle School in Zhaojue, Liangshan, Sishuan. Because of his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa, he has been continuously persecuted and harassed by the local hooligans for years. Party members forbade him from working. They also monitored him as well as blacklisted, detained, and interrogated him. Other inhuman things that they did to him included physical punishment, forced labour, binding him with ropes, striking him with electric batons, handcuffing him and hanging him up. In April 2003, he was taken to the No. 3 People's (mental) Hospital in Mianyang City by the Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Sichuan Province. There they injected him with drugs that can damage the central nervous system. They also forced him to take drugs. As a result, Mr. Wu could only move lethargically with severely impaired mental functioning. His facial muscles suffered slight damage, and because of the numbness to his face he was always drooling.

Practitioners suffered terrible ordeals at Deyang Prison. Mr. Wu Shihai was also beaten on a regular basis. Each time before he was beaten, they would bathe, shave him or dress him as a deceptive cover.

This recent beating reflects Deyang Prison's long term persecution of Dafa practitioners and the results of prison police instigating prisoners to persecute them. Since the beating of Mr. Wu Shihai happened around noontime, it was witnessed by many people, and his wounds were very serious. As a result, the police finally decided to interrogate criminal inmate Zhang Tao. Yet six months have passed since the crime on July 12th. No legal procedures have taken place. On the contrary, the victim, Wu Shihai. still continued to be physically assaulted after being transferred to the No. 10 Zone. Those who beat him included death row prisoners Song Wenchao and Meng Zhaofu.

Virtue is its own reward, and bad deeds will eventually bring retribution. In May 2006, the head of Deyang Prison, Ma Aijun, was removed from his position.

Deyang Prison of Sichuan (known to the public as the No. 95 Factory of Deyang, Sichuan) Zip code: 618007

Deyang Prison is located in the Jingyang District, Deyang
Phone: 86-838-3820115, 86-838-3820224
No. 95 Factory of Deyang

Head Liu Yuanhang (his term ends this August)
Prison Political Division of Deyang Prison: 86-838-3820225
Head of Prison Political Division Wang Gang
Life Division Liu Kaili
Head of the No. 2 Zone of No. 95 Factory of Deyang Zeng Guofu
Director of the No. 2 Zone Chen Ping
Prison police of the No. 2 Zone Cui Weigang, Zhang Jun

Deyang Police Station: 86-838-2203029


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2007/1/2/145961.html

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