On the 6th of August 2008, representatives of New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) and supporters held a press conference in front of the headquarters of Eutelsat’s Offices in the 15th district of Paris. Eutelsat was called upon to immediately restore NTDTV’s broadcasting signals to China and Asia.
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At the press conference, the Vice President of NTDTV Wang Shaojiu said, “The Olympics are the focus of the world’s attention. Everybody in the world should pay attention to the shutting down of NTDTV at this time. Our press conference today has indeed achieved such an effect. Many are paying attention. After all, this is a free world. People’s voice will count. We hope all circles of the French society will pay attention to this so that Eutelsat would do what it should do, immediately restore NTDTV’s signal carried by the W5 satellite.” Wang also said, “The CCP’s propaganda on the Olympics is all empty lies. In order to maintain its power, the CCP will silence the voice of freedom. The belief in freedom itself is an important founding principle of NTDTV. No matter what the outcome of this incident might be, our quest for freedom and justice will continue!”
An ex-minister, northern MP Fransovas Hostellerie sent a letter to support NTDTV. Her letter to the French President, which was read out, stated that there were only a few days left before the opening ceremony of the Olympics. The interruption of NTDTV’s signals can not be tolerated. Many French MPs, MEPs, defenders of human rights and press freedom are outraged by this incident. The letter called upon the President to pay attention and urge the Chinese authorities to respect media freedom, removing obstacles to NTDTV’s broadcasting.
The former head of the Chinese Department at French International Broadcasting Radio Station, Wu Baozhang gave a speech. He said it has been too long since the interruption of NTDTV’s broadcasts. He called upon the entire staff of Eutelsat to make choices in front of the whole world between freedom and autocracy, truth and lies. He also urged journalists in France and Europe as well as Eutelsat’s stockholders to act immediately.
The head of Asian Division of Reporters sans frontiers, Vincent Brossel, said in his speech, “Eutelsat’s actions should be condemned. The Eutelsat incident is yet another example of the CCP’s political manipulation in the exchange of information and commerce. Eutelsat of course can not shift the blame. But large stockholders such as Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations should also reconsider Eutelsat’s integrity and independence. Reporters sans frontiers support NTDTV as the issue concerns media freedom.”
The President of China Democratic Party in France, Wu Jiang, said in his speech, “For more than half a century, the CCP committed large-scale genocide and crimes against humanity, killing more than eighty million Chinese people. The hands of the CCP are drenched in blood. The CCP is a communist organisation, a national terrorist organisation, and an evil cult through and through. The Beijing Olympics is but a sudden spurt of energy prior to the CCP’s demise. May I ask Eutelsat’s CEO Berretta not to forget the collapse of the Soviet empire or the fall of the Berlin Wall.”
Falun Gong practitioners from all over Europe also attended the press conference. For more than a month, Falun Gong practitioners have been gathering in front of the Eutelsat’s headquarters in Paris each day, holding a banner “Give NTDTV back to Chinese people” and demanding the restoration of NTDTV’s broadcasting signals so that Chinese people can watch true news.
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