Ms. Zhang Yukun Severely Tortured and Driven into Homelessness by the Persecution

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Forty-nine-year-old Ms. Zhang Yukun from Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province was arrested in December 2004 by Fu Yanchun, the director of the 610 Office1. In order to make the arrest, the director was accompanied by a group of people led by Mo Zhenshan and Zhu Xianfu. Ms. Zhang was tortured severely, leaving bruises all over her body. Thereafter, Ms. Zhang was forced to become homeless to avoid persecution by the police.

Ms. Zhang had suffered from hepatitis B, atrophic gallstones and other serious illnesses before she practised Falun Gong. In 1997, when she started to practise Falun Gong, her physical and mental health changed completely. All her previous illnesses disappeared. The people who knew her said that Falun Gong was indeed miraculous.

Since July 20th, 1999, she has suffered from persistent persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Her husband was coerced by CCP officials into divorcing her. She was detained, force-fed and tortured in various ways and imprisoned in a forced labour camp. She remains homeless in order to escape severe persecution.

On August 1st, 2001 when she was trying to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution and tell people the facts about Falun Gong in a rural area, she was reported to the police by people who had been deceived by the CCP about Falun Gong. Representatives from Wuchang Municipal Public Security Bureau arrested Ms. Zhang, and then she was confined in a detention centre. Because she went on a hunger strike, she was tortured by Hou Weiying, director of the Shangyi Police Station, and the other policemen. They covered her head with a bag and punched and kicked her until she almost lost consciousness. Zong Yiwen, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, ordered the prisoners to put her in handcuffs and leg irons and force-feed her with salty water. The prisoners put 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) of salt and a small bit of cornmeal into a pot of hot water. Then they tied her hands behind her back, grabbed her by the hair, held her down on a chair and force-fed her. For some time she could not breathe due to the force-feeding. The torture almost killed her. Each time the inserted tube made her spit out a big mouthful of blood and she had blood in her stool.

In order to guarantee that the forced labour camp would not refuse Ms. Zhang because of her poor health, the director of the "610 Office" Zhu Xianfu sent them a 3,000-yuan2 bribe. Ms. Zhang was put in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp (now named Qianjin Forced Labour Camp), which is notorious for its cruelty in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

In December 2004, Fu Yanchun, director of the local "610 Office", along with a group of people led by Mo Zhenshan and Zhu Xianfu, broke into Zhang Yukun's home by climbing over the wall. They dragged Ms. Zhang into a police car by force and took her to a brainwashing centre without even letting her put on her shoes and coat. Fu Yanchun had Ms. Zhang's arms stretched out and handcuffed between two beds. Then they forced her to step on the founder of Falun Gong's picture, Teacher Li, and tortured her mercilessly both physically and mentally. Fu Yanchun cursed her and viciously hit her with a plastic pipe that was two inches in diameter until late in the night.

Zhang Yukun was released after she nearly died from the torture. She was forced to leave home in fear of further persecution.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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