Ms. Ma Jinxiu Seeks Justice Against Police Officer Chen Peiyi in Guantao County, Hebei Province

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My name is Ma Jinxiu. I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Guantao County, Hebei Province. In the beginning of 2005, my husband, our twelve-year-old son, and I were arrested by officers from the Chengguan Police Station in Guantao County. My husband and I were subjected to torture and our property was ransacked by the officers. I was sentenced to forced labour. After that, my son dropped out of school, and we suffered discord in the family. Our losses caused by Chen Peiyi (director of Chengguan Police Station) and other officers are not recoverable. I am seeking justice against Chen Peiyi.

Chen Peiyi Commits Child Abuse

At around 10:30 a.m. on January 15th, 2005, police from the Guangtao Police Station, the Chengguan Police Station, and Chaibao Police Station broke into my home, arrested me, my husband Xu Yanli (a non-practitioner), and our twelve-year-old son.

The police dragged my son out of bed, denied his request to put on some warmer clothes, grabbed him by the hair, and pulled him to the car. They handcuffed him for two days and nights in the Chengguan Police Station. It was in the middle of winter, and the boy was wearing only his autumn clothes. He suffered from cold and hunger. It hurt him psychologically and physically. He dropped out of school after that. Two of our younger children were left behind without adult supervision when the police arrested the three of us.

Chen Peiyi Commits Torture

While I was detained at the Chengguan Police Station, Chen Peiyi tortured me. He had a tiger bench1 moved to his office, tied me on the top of it, then used a metal rod to restrict me from moving. After that, he added bricks one by one under my legs until I lost consciousness from the pain.

The officers subjected me to another torture: they handcuffed me with my arms behind my back, then lifted the handcuffs up. While he was torturing me, Chen Peiyi yelled, "If she does not say anything, strip her clothes off and beat her."

I was imprisoned at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp for three years after being detained at the Chengguan Police Station.

Chen Peiyi Beats and Insults My Husband

We had an animal feed retail business. My husband Xu Yanli does not practise Falun Gong. He travels a lot for business. When they arrested and detained me, the police arrested and detained him as well. Chen Peiyi verbally abused him, ordered others to beat him, and subjected him to the tiger bench torture.

Chen Peiyi intentionally insulted me and attempted to break up our marriage. He fabricated lies to my husband, saying, "Your wife has cheated you. You did not know, did you?" Even after I was released from prison three years later, my husband questioned me about it many times. He repeatedly beats me and scolds me for this reason. Our family life has not gone back to normal, even to this day.

Chen Peiyi detained, beat, and tortured my husband for many days. Chen threatened my husband before his release, "Do not say anything about being beaten here, or you'll be asking for it."

A Group of Officers Live in My Home for a Week

While we were detained at the Chengguan Police Station, Chen Peiyi ordered half a dozen officers to live in my home. They ate all our food that we had saved for the Lantern Festival and left our home in disarray.

While they were there, we lost two or three bags of feed and two sheets of metal. It was the best season for the feed business. For every customer who came to buy feed, the police told them, "They do not sell feed any more," and we lost our customers. We suffered a huge financial loss.

I strongly request the judicial department to investigate the crimes committed by Chen Peiyi. Chen should be punished by the law and compensate us for our mental, physical and financial suffering.

Ma Jinxiu


1. "Tiger Bench": Prisoners are forced to sit on a small iron bench that is approximately 20 cm (6 inches) tall with their knees tied together. With their hands tied behind their backs or sometimes placed on their knees, they are forced to sit straight up and look straight ahead without movement for long periods of time.

Chinese version available at

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