Lianyungang City 610 Office Agents Persecute Mr. Zhu Chao and His Wife Ms. Dong Yueling

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Mr. Zhu Chao and his wife Ms. Dong Yueling from Puyang, Henan Province work part-time in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province. Lianyuangang City 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), arrested the couple on April 12th, 2010. Ms. Dong and her daughter, who was about to take the national college entrance examination, were escorted back to their hometown on April 29th. Mr. Zhu was placed in criminal detention around June 10th.

More than a dozen plainclothes police officers pried the door open to Mr. Zhu and Ms. Dong's home on the morning of April 22nd. They ransacked their home and left with a computer and a big bag filled with Falun Gong books. They turned the home into a mess before they left more than an hour later. The couple was held in the Xinpu District Detention Centre in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province. Their daughter dared not to go home.

Ms. Dong was bailed out on April 29th. People from the Zhongyuan Oil Field, Henan Province, where her original residence was located, forcibly took her and her daughter back to their hometown. Oil Field officials dispatched people to monitor them.

Xinpu Police Department officials in Lianyungang City placed Ms. Dong's husband Mr. Zhu Chao in criminal detention around June 10th.

Mr. Zhu Chao, in his 40s, a university graduate, was employed at the Zhongyuan Oil Field Chemical Plant. Since practising Falun Gong he has conducted himself according to the tenets of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. He worked harder at his job and became a candidate for the position of deputy director of the plant. However, since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started a brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners on July 20th, 1999, Zhongyuan Oil Field Bureau Party committee officials connected employers' interests with the persecution of Falun Gong and Mr. Zhu's employers were coerced into denying his opportunity for promotion. The Zhongyuan Oil Field's 610 Office agents sent Mr. Zhu to a brainwashing facility numerous times.

Ms. Dong Yueling, in her 40s, was an employee of the Natural Gas Company in the Zhongyuan Oil Field. She went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was subsequently incarcerated in a mental hospital, at the Water and Electricity Plant where she was subjected to severe abuse and mistreatment. All employees in Ms. Dong's workplace were implicated and had their wages reduced because Ms. Dong had gone to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. 610 Office agents and company officials put all the blame to Ms. Dong, and incited all workers to hate Ms. Dong. She was forced to buy out her working years and retire earlier.

Mr. Zhu also bought out his remaining work years because of the frequent persecution. He returned to his hometown. But local 610 Office agents often monitored and harassed him. He led a difficult life by running a small stall at market. Zhongyuan Oil Field 610 Office agent Han Qing and others also went to the couple's hometown to harass them, under the guise of visiting them.

People taking part in the persecution:

Sha Qijun, Zhongyuan Oil Field Party secretary: 86-393-4733366 (Office),
86-390-4819299, 86-390-4861693 (Home), 86-13603835001 (Mobile)
Han Qing, 610 Office agent: 86-13503935126 (Mobile) 86-393-4826526 (Home)
Zhang Zhonghua, 610 Office agent: 86-13333937550

Chinese version available at

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