Falun Gong Practitioner Lei Jingxiong's Life in Imminent Danger

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Mr. Lei Jingxiong's family was recently informed that Mr. Lei lost consciousness and was sent to the emergency department for treatment after being severely tortured in Dujun Prison in Guizhou Province. A prison official surnamed Wang informed the family to take him home. However, when Mr. Lei's family went to the hospital, they weren't allowed to see him or take him home.

Mr. Lei Jingxiong (also called Lei Lan), 39 years old, is from Jiamu County, Hunan Province. He was arrested on his way to work at the Baiyun Airport in Guangzhou on June 28th, 2009. In 2010, His family received a notice from Dujun Prison in Guizhou Province, stating that he had been sentenced to eight years in prison and was sent to the prison on January 14th, 2010.

More information about Mr. Lei Jingxiong

In early December of 2010, someone from Dujun Prison called Mr. Lei's father, Lei Yuanjun, and told him to come to the prison with another person to sign a temporary release for medical treatment form for Mr. Lei. Mr. Lei's father and sister quickly went to Dujun Prison. However, when they arrived at the prison, they couldn't find the person who had called them or get through to the phone number that was used to call Mr. Lei's father.

Related articles:

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/2/3/235807.html

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