Family Members Threatened for Requesting Release of Arrested Practitioners

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On August 6th, four Falun Gong practitioners, Liu Shaozai, Mai Weilian, Pan Guihui, and Hong Meifang from Maoming City, Dianbai County in Guangdong Province were arrested by agents from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Dianbai County. They were sent to a brainwashing centre, which belongs to the Hexi Motor Vehicle Group in Maoming. The family members of these practitioners went to various departments to request their release. Mr. Liu is currently suffering because he has a large amount of blood in his stool. Hence, his family members are urging officials to release him. However, Mr. Wu, the deputy Party secretary from Shiudong Town, went to Liu's home and threatened his family.

Officials from the 610 Office have established many brainwashing centres in various places under the name of “Legal Education Schools” in order to persecute practitioners.

On August 19th at around 4:00 p.m., Mr. Wu and four other party members went to Liu's home. They indicated that they were told by Xiao Xiong, the head of the 610 Office in Dianbai County, to inform his family members that they should not come to the 610 Office and should not let overseas practitioners call Xiao Xiong. Otherwise, the family would be arrested.

Mr. Liu is the main supporter of his family. His parents are over eighty years old, and his daughter is only eight years old. When he was arrested, his family immediately ran into financial problems. His parents are physically weak because they worry about Mr. Liu and have to take medicine and shots. The letter Liu's daughter wrote to him is very sad.

As stated earlier, Mr. Liu is now very ill and his family members are determined to ask officials from the 610 Office of the Domestic Security Division for his release, as practising Falun Gong is not a crime.

Mai Weilian's elder sister is weak, and Mai had taken care of her. Now that Mai is detained in a brainwashing centre, there is no one to help her sister. It was reported that she fainted several times in her home and has become even weaker.

Information about the perpetrators:
Dianbai County 610 Office:
Tel: +86-668-5115308
Director Xiao Xiong: +86-13702895369

Dianbai County Stability Protection and General Management Office:
Tel: +86-668-5115211
Director Lu Fengli

Chinese version available at

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