Two Female Teachers from Diaobingshan City, Liaoning Province Taken to Fushun Brainwashing Centre

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Three practitioners were arrested from their workplace at around 8:00 a.m. on September 19th. Han Feng from the Diaobingshan City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), chief Zhang Fenglai and instructor Wang Xueping from the Diaobingshan City Domestic Security Division, officer Lu from the Domestic Security Team, officer Lu from the Hongfang Police Station, and a driver rode together in a anti-riot vehicle to make the arrests. The three practitioners arrested were: Ms. Chou Liping, a teacher from the Diaobingshan City No. 3 Middle School; Ms. Chen Hong, a teacher from the Diaobingshan City No.3 Elementary School; and Ms. Zhang Li, a worker from the Xiaoming Mine. They were later taken to the Fushun Brainwashing Centre located at the Sa'er Lake Tourism Scenic Area in Fushun City.

Ms. Chen Hong kept telling people the facts about Falun Gong. She was released when the brainwashing centre authorities refused to admit her because of her health. Ms. Chou and Ms. Zhang are being held at the brainwashing centre. Both Ms. Chou and Ms. Zhang were charged 5,000 yuan1 for so-called “tuition” into the centre. The brainwashing sessions last one month.

Luo Mantang, an officer from the Tieling City 610 Office, was angry because Ms. Chen continued to talk about Falun Gong. He slapped her in the face three times. He also willing gave her his name and mobile phone number, stating that his name was already on the list at Minghui.

Before the recent arrests, on September 1st, the Diaobingshan Political and Judiciary Committee attempted to send Ms. Chen to a brainwashing centre, but failed. They also tried to apprehend Ms. Chou Liping that day, but they were stopped by the principal of the Diaobingshan City No. 3 Middle School. They took Ms. Meng Liqun, a teacher from the Diaobingshan City No.1 Elementary School, to the brainwashing centre. Ms. Meng was released the same day because she had serious health problems.

On September 1st, the Tieling City Political and Judiciary Committee held a ten-day brainwashing session at the Tieling Law School. They arrested six practitioners and forced them to go through the brainwashing session. Luo Mantang, along with several collaborators (former practitioners, brainwashed against Falun Gong, made to assist in brainwashing and torturing practitioners), forced the six practitioners to write the three statements and then they were released. The authorities no longer hold brainwashing sessions in Tieling City. Instead, they send Tieling practitioners to the Fushun Brainwashing Centre.

People involved in persecuting these women:

Luo Mantang, Education chief of the Tieling City 610 Office: +86-410-72668617, +86-13358980073 (Mobile)
Han Feng, Diaobingshan City 610 Office: +86-24-76871790 (Office), +86-24-76925185 (Home), +86-13050818566 (Mobile)


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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