Ao Yongjie on the Verge of Death in Jilin Prison

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Name: Ao Yongjie
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Address: Bayan Huxu, Horqin Right Middle Banner, Hinggan League
Occupation: Former employee of the Tongliao Railway Bureau's Vehicles Depot

Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 13th, 2007
Most Recent Place of Detention: Jilin Province Prison
City: Jilin
Province: Jilin
Persecution Suffered: Fired from workplace, home ransacked, extortion, detention, imprisonment, brainwashing

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ao Yongjie from Inner Mongolia Province is currently near death as a result of being persecuted in Jilin Province Prison. The prison would like to release him, but the deputy director of the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) Huang Zhiquan has refused to allow it.

Mr. Ao was arrested in Siping City, Jilin Province, in July 2007 and was sentenced to seven years in prison. In August 2008, he was transferred to the prison. Recently, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis so severe that he has a hole (or holes) on his lung and was on the verge of death. The prison wanted to release Mr. Ao. However, the deputy head of the local 610 Office, Huang Zhiquan, refused to sign an agreement for the release.

Huang Zhiquan is the chief of the Domestic Security Division and deputy director of the 610 Office for Horqin Right Middle Banner, Hinggan League, Inner Mongolia Province. He wanted to exchange Mr. Ao's release for a guarantee from his wife, Liu Guimei, to stop distributing fliers and exposing the persecution of Falun Gong, and to reveal the names of local practitioners and contact people. Ms. Liu firmly rejected his offer.

Mr. Ao was formerly employed at the Tongliao Railway Bureau's Vehicles Depot. He was fired in 2000 for being a Falun Gong practitioner. He was harassed many times by Huang Zhiquan and Wang Quan from the Horqin Right Middle Banner Police Department. His home was ransacked many times. Mr. Ao was sentenced to prison twice. The first time he was sentenced to three years in Bao'anzhao Prison.
In 2005, he was detained in a brainwashing centre for one month. After that, he was forced to leave his home and work in another city. On July 13th, 2007, Mr. Ao was arrested in Siping City, Jilin Province, and then sentenced to seven years in Jilin Province Prison. On April 24th, 2008, Mr. Ao and other two practitioners were transferred to the prison.

Contact information:

Huang Zhiquan: a close follower of Jiang Zemin's [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] regime who arrested, monitored, and persecuted many Falun Gong practitioners, and ransacked their homes: 86-13948294000(Mobile)

Related article:

“Mr. Ao Yongjie in Critical Condition as a Result of Maltreatment in Jilin Prison”

Chinese version available at

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