Bonn's leading newspaper reported on August 10, 2002, that Falun Gong practitioners from Heidelberg held a two-day appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate in Bad Godesberg, requesting the release of a former Berlin University student.

It was reported that four Falun Gong practitioners held a two-day protest on Thursday and Friday in front of the Chinese Consulate in Bad Godesberg. They displayed a poster and a banner, requesting the release of Ms. Xiong Wei, who was sent to Beijing Female Forced Labour Camp last January.
It was also reported that the Chinese Consulate in Bonn is the destination of their one-week "Urgent Rescue Bicycle Journey". They cycled from Heidelberg to Bonn. Along the way, they collected signatures protesting the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. In their posters and flyers, they condemned Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and called for the end of the persecution.
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