By a practitioner from Sydney, Australia
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On August 18 2002 (Sunday), Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney Australia peacefully appealed in front of the Chinese Consulate, strongly protesting that the Jiang regime pressured the Hong Kong justice department and coerced the Hong Kong police to put Falun Gong practitioners on a political trial. They called on Hong Kong to dismiss the biased and unfair verdict, respect the will of the Hong Kong people and step out from under Jiang's shadow.
Montreal Practitioners Clarify the Truth in the Streets to Expose the Persecution in Hong Kong
August 18 2002, Montreal practitioners held a press conference downtown in front of the Modern Museum. Practitioners put up display boards that showed the evidence that Hong Kong police assaulted the Falun Gong practitioners. The press conference called on Hong Kong to dismiss the false charges against the Falun Gong practitioners.
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After the press conference, practitioners marched through the streets of the crowded areas. They passed out truth-clarifying flyers and displayed the boards along the march. Many citizens carefully looked at the truth clarification poster boards and happily accepted the flyers. Some people asked for the details of the case and listened carefully to the practitioners' explanations. The people of Montreal, Canada expressed their worries about the Jiang regime extending its persecution to Hong Kong and showed their support to Falun Gong practitioners for their right to believe "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The march was peaceful and serene. Near sunset, as the march was ending, in a very moving scene some people chanted, "Falun Dafa is good!" to the practitioners.
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