On Saturday September 28, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners of Mexico City had a group practice in Bosque Tlalpan (a wooded park) in Mexico City. Local and visiting practitioners performed the exercises together and many of them met each other for the first time. We handed out flyers in the park to passers-by, and afterwards some of us studied the Fa [Here referring to Falun Gong books or articles] together in the quiet setting.
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In the afternoon, practitioners went to the Chinese Embassy to do Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation - send forth righteous thoughts. It can be understood as a type of meditation] We did Fa Zheng Nian at the top of every hour and also every half-hour. We practiced, studied the Fa, and handed out flyers there. Every single person who we encountered took a flyer - the people there were eager to learn the truth about Dafa. We encountered foot patrol policemen when we arrived, and they quickly understood the facts and wished us well. The policemen took a flyer and later smiled at us as they passed by again. There are many police officers and security guards near the Chinese Embassy. Later, a police truck came and blocked the entrance to the Embassy. After a minute or two, a police officer came to talk to us, and we explained the truth to him. He understood and also accepted a flyer. After a while, the truck left. Some people of the Embassy came out of the compound and saw us there. We are certain that our presence surprised the Embassy officials and staff. Before leaving, we placed truth-clarifying materials in the doors of the Embassy in order to give them a chance to better know the truth about Falun Dafa.
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