In Memory of Fellow Practitioner Wang Kefei

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It was at the end of 2001 that I first heard that Wang Kefei was tortured to death in Heizuizi Female Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. In January 2002, when I first looked at Kefei’s portrait, shock and anger filled my heart and my eyes were full of tears. Was this the Wang Kefei that I had been familiar with for such a long time without knowing her name? I could not believe that such a thriving life could disappear from the world all of a sudden. I could not believe such a wonderful person could be tortured to death in a labour camp in a time when China claims to be experiencing its best human rights conditions in history.

In February 2001, I first got to meet Wang Kefei in the People’s Square through the introduction of a friend. My first impression of her was that she was shy, gentle, and seemingly delicate and fragile. Through the words of her little son, I came to know that Kefei was subjected to persecution and forced to give up a good job just because she wanted to practise Falun Dafa. Furthermore, she had been illegally detained in detention centres and labour camps by the police several times, but her firm belief in Dafa had never been broken. Through contact with her, I was deeply impressed by her kindness and her noble character; she always thought of others first. I could not believe that such a gentle and kind woman had been murdered under the sunshine in the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun. In addition, these murderers claimed that what they did was to offer “enthusiastic help and protection” for the good people. I felt bewildered and wondered if I was still living in a human world. These so-called upholders of the law are no better than demons.

Nowadays, in the civilised society of the 21st century, Falun Dafa is slandered and persecuted for teaching people to be good. One practitioner who made appeals for Falun Dafa was illegally imprisoned, brutally tortured, and even murdered by the Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun. The most violent and dirtiest scene in history is being enacted in China. How can one with a sense of conscience and justice not feel shocked and bitterly sorrowful?

Eighteen female Dafa practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province were thrown into male cells just because of their firm belief. Such a dark and inhumane crime was carried out under the wicked tyrannical control of Jiang Zemin. Alas! I could not help but feel disappointed over the shameless brutality of Jiang’s evil regime. I could not help but grieve for the many kind Chinese people who have been fooled and lied to. Jiang’s evil regime is killing humans’ basic nature - conscience and morality. Once humans’ basic nature is destroyed, humans will not behave like humans and nor will the human world be a human world.

Kefei has gone, taking with her a beautiful belief – that the people of the world can live by the principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”.

Kefei, now you can have a smile on your face. Because of you, more fellow practitioners feel touched. Because of you, more practitioners awaken to their responsibilities. Because of your selfless great deeds, more practitioners step out with determination to take part in the magnificent deeds of this important period.

Kefei, you upheld the universal principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”, revealed the deceitful lies, was not intimidated by the evil violence, and only offered kindness and benevolence to those blinded to the truth. Your magnificent deeds will be recorded in history, being admired and praised by generations. The hypocritical and brutal evil ones will be despised by future generations. In hell, the bad people will pay for their sins.

Kefei, now you can have a smile on your face, and you can walk your path in peace.

Chinese version available at

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