Press Releases and Media Reports
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AP: Falun Gong Faces Hong Kong Trial
2002-06-18HONG KONG (AP) - Sixteen Falun Gong practitioners went on trial Monday in a case that has raised concern Hong Kong is slowly squeezing the freedoms it promised to uphold when it reverted to Chinese rule five years ago.
CNN: HK prosecutes Falun Gong
2002-06-18 -
AFP: More Falun Gong protests as Chinese president tours Iceland
2002-06-18 -
News Release: Two Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Detained by Mainland Police Last Month and Not Yet Released
2002-06-17 -
AFP: US Wants Iceland to Explain Detention of Falun Gong [Practitioners]
2002-06-17 -
Reuters: Iceland Protesters Give China's Jiang Cold Shoulder
2002-06-17 -
Transcript from Interview of Practitioners Barred from Boarding Iceland Air Flights by National Public Radio (US)
2002-06-17 -
AFP: Falun Gong Movement Denounces Chinese 'Blacklist'
2002-06-17 -
Central News Agency: Korean Falun Gong Practitioners Promote Dafa in Front of Kwangju Stadium during FIFA World Cup
2002-06-17 -
AP: Falun Gong Head to Trial -- Hong Kong's Freedoms May Face Test As Falun Gong Members Go on Trial [excerpt]
2002-06-17 -
Miami Herald: Iceland Airline Turns Away Falun Gong [Practitioners]
2002-06-17 -
Press Release: Top-Level Chinese Communist Party Official Authors Chilling New Book on Jiang Zemin
2002-06-16Part of Jiang's Inner Circle, Author Gives Harrowing Account of the "How" and "Why" Regarding Jiang's Decision to "Eradicate" Falun Gong
Press Statement: Call for Support to Help Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2002-06-16Given at a Press Conference in Riga, Latvia (June 11, 2002)
AFP Story: 30 Falun Gong members barred from travelling to Iceland from France
2002-06-16 -
AP: Iceland Enforces Falun Gong Ban