TV and Radio
French Author: Europe Must Resist Infiltration of Communism Immediately
2021-01-30Olivier Piacentini, a French writer and political researcher, called out the danger of communism and globalization to the world in a recent interview with NTD Television. He said he is worried that communism is bedeviling and taking over France.
French Journalist: Chinese Communist Party Is the Main Enemy of Mankind
2021-01-18In a recent interview with NTDTV, Jean Robin said the CCP should bear full responsibility for the spread of COVID-19, which has raged across the world, killing millions and destroying the global economy.
Netherlands: TV Interviews Falun Gong Practitioners at Group Exercise Site
2017-06-14TV Gelderland, a station in Wageningen, the Netherlands, interviewed Falun Gong practitioners at their group exercise site in beautiful Arboretum de Dreijen in May 2017.
Bavarian Broadcasting: A Meditation that Generates Positive Energy
2016-08-29Bavarian Broadcasting (also known as Bayerischer Rundfunk), a major German radio and television network based in Munich, recently reported how people have benefited from the practice of Falun Gong in Nuremberg and other parts of Germany.
Major French TV Network Exposes Organ Harvesting From Living Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2016-03-31France 5, one of the major French public television networks focusing on factual programming, covered the forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China in its programme The Health Magazine on March 10, 2016.
Polish Radio Reports on Forced Organ Harvesting in China
2014-02-04On January 24 and 25, 2014, Falun Dafa practitioners in Poland travelled to the ancient city of Torun, the hometown of famous astronomer Copernicus, to hold a signature drive calling for an end to the forced organ harvesting of persecuted Dafa practitioners and other prisoners of conscience in China.
Romanian Independent TV Channel Airs “Free China” during Chinese Premier's Visit
2014-01-16Nasul TV, one of the most respected independent TV channels in Romania, with nationwide coverage, broadcast the film “Free China: The Courage to Believe” on November 28. This screening coincided with an important Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) summit in Romania the same week.
Ukraine TV Station Covers the Film Free China: The Courage to Believe
2013-11-20On October 10, 2013, the VIKKA TV station in Cherkasy, Ukraine, ran a special 6 o'clock news segment on the award-winning documentary, Free China: The Courage to Believe . Viewers were invited to attend a free local screening of the popular film.
Ukraine's TRK TV Reports on Falun Gong Activity
2013-09-13On August 1, 2013, Ukraine's Crimea TRK-555 TV reported on a Falun Gong activity held in the seaside resort city of Elushita. Practitioners there introduced Falun Dafa to both locals and tourists.
Introducing Falun Dafa on a Radio Station in Croatia
2013-03-18On February 22, 2013, the “Sova” radio station in Croatia aired a 13-minute show about Falun Dafa during which a practitioner spoke about the practice, its benefits and the ongoing persecution in China.
Bulgaria: Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong on National Television
2012-07-20Practitioners in Bulgaria were invited to introduce Falun Gong on a popular daytime TV show earlier this month. The programme was broadcast on Sunday afternoon, June 10, 2012, on the highly rated, state-owned channel, Bulgarian National Television.
Persecution of Falun Gong Exposed In Depth Over the Years by Dutch Media
2010-12-12In 1999 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, following which Falun Gong practitioners began to disseminate the facts and oppose the persecution. In Holland, after many of the media realized the true situation, they began to to expose the crimes of the CCP and its lies, and to make the truth of how Falun Gong has been persecuted known to many.
Bulgaria: Practitioners Were Guests on National Radio
2010-09-08Three Falun Gong practitioners were guests of the “Horizon” programme on Bulgarian national radio. The show took place on July 26, marking eleven years since the persecution against Falun Gong was launched by Chinese Communist Party head Jiang Zemin.
Bulgaria: National TV Channel Invites Practitioners on Morning Show
2010-09-03A Bulgarian national TV channel reported on the persecution against Falun Gong and invited two practitioners onto its morning show to discuss the practice and the human rights abuses in China. The show took place on July 20, 2010, which marked eleven years since the persecution was launched by Chinese Communist Party head Jiang Zemin.
French TV Station Reports Chinese Communist Regime’s Organ Harvesting from Living People
2010-02-13The victims are Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong is a cultivation method in the Buddha school. Therefore they are all peaceful people. There are many Falun Gong practitioners in China. Since 1999, the Chinese Communist regime started its brutal persecution campaign against Falun Gong.