Persecution Spreads from China to Europe
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Residents (Part 27) - Four Swiss Citizens Wrongly Arrested and Violently Treated in Hong Kong (1)
2003-01-06On average, there were 4 policemen for each practitioner. The practitioners reported that during the forceful arrest, they felt nausea, dizziness and shortness of breath. Nine practitioners, including one Swiss, were denied medical treatment afterwards. During the event, most of the practitioners were still sitting in a meditation position, with both legs folded on top of one another.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Residents (Part 26) - Sister of UK practitioner detained in Labour Camp
2003-01-05Because of Miss Liang's detention, her mother became very distressed and ill. She was taken to a hospital in March 2000. In May her illness became critical. Miss Liang's sister wrote to the Chinese authority asking them to release her sister so that she could see her mother in the UK but did not receive a reply. Their mother died on 7 June 2000.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 25) - Irish Practitioner Mistreated and Detained in China (photo)
2003-01-04While in detention in Qianmen station, Mr. Trought met three international journalists whom the police had also detained. Mr. Trought commented that “The journalists were there to have their footage inspected by police to ensure no details of the appeal, or the treatment of western Falun Gong practitioner during their arrests was documented.”
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 24) - Irish Practitioner Beaten and Detained in China
2003-01-02The police tried to intimidate Mr. OConnor by shouting at him in Chinese and English. They also attempted to take a photograph of him after an officer kneed him in the stomach and twisted his fingers away from in front of his face.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 23) - Practitioners' Relatives Detained in Labour Camps
2003-01-01Since initiating his persecution in July 1999, Jiang has extended it to western democratic countries. The following article covers 3 cases where relatives of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained in labour camps for their peacefully held beliefs.
Germany: Postcard Activity to Rescue Xiong Wei
2002-12-31The success of the campaign was widespread; on December 19, 2002, Heidenheim Weekly, a weekly journal which is sent to every house in the area, reported on the postcard campaign. The report also contained photos of the front and back of the postcard, which allowed readers to cut them out and send them to the German Prime Minister.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 22) - Jiang's Blacklist of Practitioners
2002-12-28Mrs. Zimmermann at the Embassy informed Mr. Ulrich that he could not enter Hong Kong and asked if he was a practitioner of Falun Gong...After 3 hours, he was escorted by five armed police officer and five other police officers to the next flight and expelled from Hong Kong.
Denmark: The Difficulties in Obtaining a Passport for our Daughter
2002-12-23This is the story of a Chinese couple who were denied a passport for their new daughter. The Embassy staff refused to give this baby girl her basic human rights to a nationality because her parents practise Falun Gong. However, after their actions were exposed on a Falun Gong website, the Chinese authorities were frightened that the world could see their irrational and wicked actions and they quickly awarded the girl a passport.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 21) - Swedish Practitioners Maltreated in Beijing
2002-12-22During November 2001, 36 western Falun Gong practitioners travelled to Beijing to appeal to the Chinese government to end the persecution of Falun Gong. They also wanted to appeal to the Chinese people for justice. They were arrested, beaten and detained.
Bremen: Call For the Rescue of Persecuted Family and Friends
2002-12-21We call for action from governmental organisations, media, human rights organisations and all good people to help safeguard the universal principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance and to help bring an end to this unprecedented disaster...Most importantly, we call for the release of all Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally detained.
International Petition to Human Rights Groups, the UK Government and the Chinese Authorities
2002-12-17The following text is from a petition calling for the urgent rescue of a Falun Dafa practitioner who is currently being persecuted in China. Her fiance is a PhD student at UMIST in Manchester, England.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (part 20) - Jiang's Blacklist of Practitioners
2002-12-16It became quickly apparent to me that the Chinese Secret Service blacklist was behind all this. How else could it be that of the eight people in the car with me, only three were singled out, those names on the blacklist, known to the Chinese Secret Service from our visit to China.
Video: Free Zhao Ming
2002-12-15 -
Israeli and German Practitioners Work Together to Help Rescue Xiong Wei
2002-12-12From December 6 to 8, Israeli and German practitioners protested the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong for 58 straight hours outside of the Chinese Embassy and called for the release of practitioner Xiong Wei.
Jiang Regime's Persecution Against European Citizens (Part 19) - Rescue our family members
2002-12-09He was again arrested in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province when he clarified the truth to people there. He was sent to a labour camp in Zhengzhou, where his is still detained.