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Lawyer's Speech during a Press Conference in Sweden regarding Criminal Charges Against Jiang Zemin
2004-10-08"I used to say that to be able to understand the desperation of the Chinese regime, you have to realise that the people they perceive as a deadly threat to the regime are the ones that have no ambitions other than to live according to their conscience and meditate in the parks. When you realise that these peaceful people, who want nothing but to live according to their conviction, are perceived as a threat, then you will also understand the inconceivable desperation and cruelty of the Chinese regime...Jiang Zemin, who has instructed this loathsome persecution, can and will accordingly be punished, either in China or in Sweden."
UK Foreign Office Expresses Serious Concerns Over Human Rights Abuses Against Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-10-04On the 15th of September 2004, it was stated in the House of Commons records that Mrs Anne Campbell MP asked Mr Bill Rammell, Foreign Office Minister, what assessment he had made of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and what action the UK government was taking to draw attention to this persecution. In his response, Mr Rammell said that the UK government had serious concerns regarding the human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners and had raised these concerns with the Chinese authorities.
Slovakia: Mayors from many Cities Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2004-09-28Practitioners of Falun Gong recently wrote Mayors of many cities in Slovakia, explaining to them the reasons behind the persecution of Falun Gong in China, the number of victims of this persecution and cruel methods they use to torture practitioners of Falun Gong in China. Many mayors and people in local administrations reacted by signing our petition against persecution of Falun Gong in China.
The U.S. Department of State's Sixth Annual Report on International Religious Freedom Condemns the Violations of Citizen's Religious Liberty in China
2004-09-18On September the 15th, the U.S. Department of State issued its sixth annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Country by country, this report documents the conditions of religious freedom around the world. Because of its persecution of Falun Gong and other religious groups, China has once again been identified as one of the Countries of Particular Concern by the U.S. Department of States. This label refers to governments that engage in or tolerate gross infringements of religious freedom.
Letter from a Swiss Labour Union Representative to the Chinese Embassy Concerning the Refusal of a Passport Extension
2004-09-06"We understand from media releases that practitioners of Falun Gong have been persecuted and are detained for years in China’s prisons. They are accused of violating PRC’s security. Such accusations are far-fetched and unbelievable, given all information available to us. We therefore assume that the denial of a valid passport or such extension is another form of persecution and repression of Falun Gong. We take the opportunity to inform you that the PRC is violating international laws with such actions."
Vice-Chairman of the Greek International Diplomats Association Supports Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-08-28Mr. Ghiolman is a sixty-year old gentleman. He is warm-hearted and has many job titles such as Professor of Maritime Engineering in Athens University, Vice-Chairman of the Greek International Diplomats Association and councillor of the Athens government. Soon after Dafa practitioners started to prepare activities to be held in Athens, he contributed many ideas and helped out a lot.
Germany: Federal Presidential Ministry Concerned about the Human Rights Situation in China
2004-08-25"The Federal President has a high regard and deep concerns regarding human rights. This is especially true concerning such matters in China...We join you in the hope for human rights improvements in China. Such improvement is important to China’s interests, because without the rule of law and safeguarding of citizens, especially concerning human rights, we do not believe that a modern society in China can be established."
Representative of the Worldwide Organisation for Women Condemns the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners’ Families and Children
2004-08-23"In China, families who practise Falun Gong are suffering....The practice of Falun Gong was banned in 1999. Vicious persecution has followed leaving families tortured and torn apart. The children themselves suffer as they are sometimes imprisoned with their parents...These situations violate numerous articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child."
Switzerland: Statement by International Educational Development Supporting the Lawsuits Filed by Falun Gong Practitioners Outside China
2004-08-18On August 6th 2004, at the 56th session of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, item 6:specific human rights issues, the representative of International Educational Development brought before the meeting the lawsuits filed by Falun Gong practitioners outside China and expressed her organisation's support for the action taken.
An Austrian Citizen Writes to the Chinese Ambassador in Vienna
2004-08-17I heard that the major reason for not renewing the passport was because of an accusation that Wang Yong is against the Chinese government. I know Wang Yong well, and I can honestly tell you that he is definitely not against the Chinese government. What he is doing is just appealing to the Chinese government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and for bringing the responsible criminals within the Chinese government to justice.
Switzerland: Postgraduate Students of Law from Different European Countries Pay Attention to Falun Gong Issues
2004-08-17Graduate students from different European countries who have in mind to devote themselves to careers in human rights or become lawyers, came to Geneva to attend a UN Human Rights Committee Conference. They exhibited strong concern and sympathy for the Falun Gong issue and hearing about the persecution taking place in China touched them deeply.
A Representative of the Association of World Citizens made a Speech at a Plenary Session of the Fifty-Sixth Session of the Sub Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights held at the United Nations Office in Geneva
2004-08-14This system equates to veritable economic slavery set up and maintained by the Chinese Government. It violates the Chinese Constitution and international laws such as International Labour Organisation Conventions Nos. 29 and 105 It encourages corruption, torture and organised crime (for 570 cases of death from torture in the camps, 24 per cent were Falun Gong practitioners).
Interview with a Non-Practitioner During the Recent Events in Edinburgh
2004-08-14Shaun is broadcasting student. At the beginning of August, he had the opportunity to gain experience filming the Military Tattoo and Cavalcade in Edinburgh. Falun Gong practitioners had also taken the opportunity of the events in Edinburgh to join the famous Cavalcade, wining first prize in the Community category for the third year running. A friend of Shaun's practises Falun Gong, so Shaun stayed with him and some other practitioners during his time in Edinburgh.
The Society for Threatened People (GfbV) Contacts the Chinese Ambassador to Austria Regarding Falun Gong Practitioner Yong Wang’s Passport Extension Rejection
2004-08-10"Mr Yong Wang advised us concerning his Chinese passport extension rejection. We understand that he has not received, as of date, a written clarification concerning the denial of his right and freedom of travel. We view your actions concerning the revocation of Yong Wang’s citizenship without any clarification of due process, as a serious violation of human rights, given legal precedence and direct as well as indirect declarations of applicable UN Agreements."
Statement by NGO Interfaith International at the 56th Session of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
2004-08-08"Purely for economic interests, enterprises of all sizes and foreign investors who are aware of the situation prefer to close their eyes. They do not consider the fact that they are making themselves accomplices of what well-known human rights lawyers consider one of the most serious situations of persecution and genocide currently existing, in terms both of its size and of the means used: slander, incitement to hatred, incitement to denounce, privation of all social, economic and cultural rights, torture and murder."