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Letter from a Member of European Parliament to the Mayor of Paris -- "Paris Should Not Have Yielded to Beijing!"
2004-01-30"I was saddened to learn that you yielded to pressure for the dictators of China and stopped the French Falun Gong practitioners from participating in the Chinese New Year parade in Paris. France should have stayed true to European democratic and egalitarian principles by standing up to the pressure from China. China suppresses its own people and now France is allowing China to suppress the citizens of France from expressing their beliefs!"
Amnesty International UK: China's E-repression Leads to Dramatic Rise in those Imprisoned for Expressing Opinions Online
2004-01-29'Amnesty International says in a report published today (Wed 28 January 2004) that since November 2002 there has been a dramatic rise in the number of people arrested and imprisoned for expressing their opinions online or for downloading information from the internet in China...Those detained in China include students, political dissidents, Falun Gong practitioners, workers, writers, lawyers, teachers, civil servants, former police officers, engineers, and businessmen.'
All Sections of European Society Support Falun Gong Practitioners' Legal Rights in Paris
2004-01-28Some advocates stated in their letters that they were surprised to hear that the Chinese Embassy in Paris attempted to put pressure on France, the first country to advocate human rights, in order to stop Falun Gong practitioners taking part in the Chinese New Year celebration activities. The Falun Gong Association in France is a legally registered group and it has won the recognition of the French government for peacefully observing and obeying the law in the past four years.
A Letter From the President of the Austrian Branch of the International Human Rights Association to the Mayor of Paris
2004-01-27The International Human Rights Organisation is a worldwide organisation for human rights, with twenty-five branches worldwide. It enjoys the attention of the European Parliament as well as having an Observer's Seat in the United Nations. As the President of the Austrian branch of the International Human Rights Association, Mrs. Glibb wrote a letter to the Mayor of Paris to express her concern about the Chinese Embassy blocking Falun Gong's application to participate in the Chinese New Year's parade.
Israel: Lawyers Support Petition to Bring Jiang to Justice
2004-01-21Recently, Israeli practitioners have started to send letters to those in the legal profession in Israel. Some lawyers have already signed the petition, and one of them was so moved by the letter that he requested to meet practitioners immediately. When practitioners met him, he was eager to help in any way he could and even asked to read “Zhuan Falun”. At the end of the meeting, there were tears in his eyes, and he hugged practitioners warmly.
German People are Glad to Hear that Xiong Wei has been Released
2004-01-20One German practitioner described the responses he received after he telling people that Xiong Wei had been released. “After hearing the news of Xiong Wei’s release, I went to several stores where I put the “Free Xiong Wei” postcards and told them the good news. I express my appreciation to them by giving the workers Dafa postcards with pictures of Lilies on them.
Germany: Many Politicians and People in the Legal Community are Concerned about the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-12-29In October of 2003, German Dafa practitioners wrote letters to 3,246 German judges, 2,400 criminal lawyers, 192 professors of criminal law, and some members of Parliament in order to tell them about Jiang Zemin and the government officials who, together with policemen, have persecuted Falun Gong in China and are to be charged with crimes of Genocide and Torture.
Reply from the Chairman of the Swedish Foreign Office: “Your letter provides us with valuable information.”
2003-12-28"For the human rights status in China, we in the Swedish Diplomacy Committee have constantly paid attention to and raised the issue that concerns you. Our international representative has stated our point of view on this. When we meet with Chinese government representatives, we will speak to them about their actions against human rights, among which the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is included."
MEP Condemns Human Rights Violations Initiated by the Former President of China
2003-12-27"Jiang Zemin should be held responsible for the human rights violations that occurred during his time in power. Jiang's case has also become a clear message to the present leader of China, which is China must make an immediate correction of its policy of persecuting Falun Gong in order to fulfil the requirements of the International Human Rights criterion."
Speech by John Bowis MEP at a Falun Gong Press Conference in Strasbourg
2003-12-23"What was clear was that in its early days, the Chinese authorities actually encouraged it. It was seen as something not threatening; it was seen as something healthy that contributed to the wellbeing of people. And then they got cold feet, and thought that perhaps this was leading to some self-expression that went beyond the wishes of the regime. I think that was very sad. Because China is a very big country, to be part of a country, it does not need to suppress the instincts and wishes of individuals and groups and minorities."
Speech by Roger Helmer MEP at a Falun Gong Press Conference in the European Court of Human Rights
2003-12-22"I have been speaking to representatives of Falun Gong over the last three or four years. I have been briefed on the sort of persecution that the Chinese practitioners of Falun Gong have faced on the Chinese mainland and I think nobody can hear those stories without being very distressed and saddened, both for the individual suffering of those people and also for the fact that in China there appears to be no freedom to practise religion and no freedom to take an alternative view."
Members of the Swedish United Nations Association in Gothenburg Express Concern over the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-12-20On December the 10th, 2003, the Swedish UN Association in Gothenburg held their AGM. Falun Gong practitioners brought the issue of the human rights abuses of Falun Gong practitioners to the attention of the chair of the association. The association members expressed great concern over the situation in China
Scottish MP Calls for an End to the Persecution of Falun Dafa on World Human Rights Day
2003-12-10"I very much share your concern at the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China and agree that more action should be taken by the UN and its leading members to highlight this and bring pressure on the Chinese authorities to cease their disgraceful activities."
A Letter from the Chairperson of the Association for Threatened People – "To file a lawsuit against China’s former leader, Jiang Zemin, is a crucial step in bringing human rights abusers to justice."
2003-12-07"At the moment, it is still not optimistic to expect China to become a country ruled by law. When security members and state agents violate human rights, citizens are not likely to be protected by the law. As a result, people are calling on the international community to bring China’s human rights abusers to justice by taking legal action. The Association for Threatened People, in particular, expresses our support for any legal action to bring the evildoers, including China’s former leader, to court."
Ireland: Irish Student Organisations Appeal for Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering Persecution in China
2003-12-02The rally was followed by a march to the Irish Prime Minister’s Office, where representatives of eight Students’ Unions and Societies from USI and major Dublin universities handed in a co-signed letter. They then went on to the Chinese Embassy to hand in a letter appealing for justice but the Embassy officials refused to accept it.