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BBC News: Fears for Hong Kong's freedom
2002-07-02 -
Latvian Media: A Chinese Artist Brings Her Paintings to Riga
2002-07-01 -
BBC: Hong Kong scales down celebration
2002-07-01 -
The Scotsman: [Group] members barred from Hong Kong celebrations
2002-07-01 -
Letter from Assistant of the Mayor of Paris to President of Falun Gong Association
2002-06-30 -
BBC: Fears over HK subversion law
2002-06-30 -
CNN: Falun Gong members barred from HK
2002-06-30 -
Crosswalk: Five Years After Takeover, Hong Kong Acting More Like China
2002-06-30 -
BBC Chinese: "Falun Gong is developing rapidly in Israel"
2002-06-30 -
VOA: Asia Pacific- Banned Falun Gong Interrupts TV Programming in China
2002-06-29 -
Danish Newspaper - B.T.: Falun Gong [practitioners] denied entry to Iceland because of presidential visit
2002-06-27 -
Letter from Member of European Parliament in Support of Falun Gong Practitioners' Rights to Protest in Iceland
2002-06-26 -
BBC Monitoring: Polish lawmakers block approval of China's human rights record
2002-06-22 -
Swiss MPs Appeal to the Hong Kong Special Administration Region Government
2002-06-21 -
CNN: China wages 'big-bucks diplomacy'