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Opening Speech at Swedish Falun Dafa day
2002-05-25 -
Metro [Dutch newspaper]: Falun Gong, ten years later
2002-05-18"...practitioners are being persecuted, locked up, tortured and killed. Worldwide there are tens of millions of practitioners; in the Netherlands Falun Gong is active as well. What drives them?"
BBC Monitoring: China Expels Austrian Falun Gong Protester
2002-05-18 -
BBC Worldwide Monitoring: Austrian Falun Gong protester arrested in China
2002-05-15 -
BBC: Chinese Alert on Falun Gong Day [Excerpt]
2002-05-15 -
United Nations Officials Pay Close Attention to "The Falun Gong Report"
2002-05-12 -
UN Secretary General Annan Urged to Pay Attention to the Persecuton of Falun Gong
2002-05-09 -
Report from Berlin: Voice of Friends of Falun Gong
2002-05-06 -
De Standaard (Belgian Newspaper): Falun Gong appeals in Brussels
2002-05-06 -
Two French V.I.P.'S Issue Letters of Support and Monitor Repression of Human Rights in China
2002-05-03 -
A Reply Letter from Member of European Parliament Ulla Sandbaek
2002-05-02 -
Financial Times: Dismissal sparks fears on HK press freedom
2002-05-02 -
Article from the Guardian: Secrets of the Buddha.
2002-04-29 -
Painting Exhibition Draws Attention of Media and Society in Germany
2002-04-28 -
The United Nations Commission On Human Rights Adopts Resolution Against Torture