Voices of Support, Awards and Recognition
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Friends of Falun Gong Europe Appeal for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong and the Release of Student Zhao Ming
2002-01-18 -
UK Lords Give Speeches In Support Of Falun Gong
2002-01-17 -
Friends of Falun Gong Europe Writes to the World Trade Organisation
2002-01-16 -
Righteous Dutch Policeman: How Could One Be a Policeman Were He Not Able to Distinguish Between the Good and the Evil?
2002-01-11We thanked the Dutch policemen sincerely for their understanding, sympathy and support. They said, ‘you are welcome. To support Falun Gong is righteous. Despite the brutal persecution by China we hope that the Falun Gong practitioners will continue their campaign till victory!’
Czech Senator Protests Detention of Falun Gong Practitioners to Chinese Ambassador
2002-01-09Ruml said he considered the ambassador's reaction, according to which the detainees breached Chinese law and Falun Gong was a heretic sect, a "tragic comedy evidence" of an unchanged perception of human rights in China.
Letter from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to David Taylor MP
2002-01-07We have serious concerns about human rights abuses against individual practitioners. We have made clear to the Chinese that, as the Foreign Affairs Committee pointed out in its report on China in November 2000, their actions contravene the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (which China has signed though not ratified). The treatment of Falun Gong adherents features prominently in our exchanges on human rights with the Chinese.
French Deputy’s Letter of Support
2002-01-01I cannot remain Insensitive to the repression campaign led against those people, for the mere reason that they belong to a spiritual movement, I was sincerely angered by the testimonies you recounted to me.
Belgian Mayor's Letter of Support to the Friends of Falun Gong Europe
2001-12-31 -
UK Foreign Secretary highlights Falun Gong human rights issue in latest report on Hong Kong
2001-12-27 -
Scotland, UK: The Leader of City of Edinburgh Council's Letter to Falun Gong practitioners
2001-12-25 -
A Letter of Support From The Vice Mayor of Cesky Brod, Czech
2001-12-24I am convinced that the duty of all people in the world is to fight for spreading of peace, tolerance and freedom.
UK: Letter from the Lord Mayor of Oxford to A Practitioner
2001-12-20 -
UK Local Councillor Sends Letter of Support to Practitioner
2001-12-20 -
2001-12-19 -
Guardian UK Newspaper Calls Chinese Government’s Attempt to Frame Falun Gong as “a breathtaking act of spindoctoring”