Voices of Support, Awards and Recognition
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British MEP Writes to the Chinese Ambassador in London
2002-02-07 -
Sincere Respects from Swedish Practitioners to Practitioners in China
2002-02-05 -
News Report - NTR : China will free jailed Montrealer
2002-01-31 -
Denmark's New Government Continues to Pay Attention to the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-01-27 -
UK: Harrow Council Passes Motion in Support of Falun Gong
2002-01-25 -
Email from a European Businesswoman who refuses to buy Chinese Goods until the Persecution of Falun Gong Stops
2002-01-25 -
Academy Award Winning Actress Celeste Holm Appeals for the Freedom of Teng Chunyan
2002-01-25 -
IRISH TIMES: Falun Gong detainee to be freed in March
2002-01-24Falun Gong members have claimed that Mr Zhao was tortured while in detention, beaten by guards with electric batons and allowed only two hours' sleep a day. They further claim that on one occasion guards tried to force him to write anti-Falun Gong material and that he was beaten to the brink of death when he refused.
A Dutch General says: ”Falun Gong is so good!”
2002-01-24 -
BBC Monitoring Service: China expels Canadian Falun Gong protester
2002-01-24 -
Wired: A Human Rights Site? In China?
2002-01-24Amnesty International was not impressed. It has reported that 1,511 death sentences were passed in 2000 and at least 1,000 executions were carried out. Amnesty officials believe this represents only a fraction of the true figures, as death penalty statistics remain a state secret in China.
Human Rights Watch: Asia Suffered Following September 11 Attacks
2002-01-23The group says in its campaign to eradicate Falungong, Chinese officials imprisoned thousands of practitioners and used torture and psychological pressure to force recantations.
French Senator Requests Political Circles to Pay Attention to the Persecution of Falun Gong
2002-01-22 -
Irish Times: Cowen to discuss human rights during China visit
2002-01-21The Minister is likely to raise the issue of the jailed Falun Gong practitioner and Trinity College student, Mr Zhao Ming, during planned meetings with the Chinese Premier, Mr Zhu Rongji
UK: London Councillors' Righteous Words for Falun Gong Practitioners