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The Ancient Poet Bai Juyi
2003-02-23Bai Juyi, also known as Bai Letian, was a renowned poet during the period immediately following the peak period of the Tang Dynasty. He lived from 772 to 846 AD. The less educated people at that time could easily understand the language used in his poems, with their explicit themes. The poems flowed smoothly and his poetic style was so unique that it became a literary form commonly known as Yuan-Bai-Ti, or Fundamentally Plain Form.
Painting: Wild Flowers
2003-02-22 -
Songs Created by UK Practitioners to Rescue Illegally Detained practitioners Bao-lian and Yongjie
2003-02-22The following are two songs created by British practitioners to rescue Bao-Lian and Yongjie, who were both detained in China because of their belief in Falun Gong (the recitations in Chinese included).
Painting: Lotus Flower
2003-02-21 -
Play: Standing in Anothers Shoes
2003-02-21 -
Painting: Falun Dafa in the Mountains
2003-02-20 -
Poem: Untitled
2003-02-20"Escape past your bodyThe prison that holds you inNow welcome the time of real union.You, spirit and me."
Painting: Mountain In Layers
2003-02-19 -
Photography: Lotus Flower
2003-02-18 -
Ancient Cultivation Stories: Buddhist Monk Feng Bo Upholds Righteousness
2003-02-18During the Southern Song Dynasty of China there were two famous Buddhist monks. One was known as the Crazy Monk Ji Gong, the other, the Mad Monk Feng Bo. It is said that these two crazy monks became Arhats. Both of them are worshipped and revered by many.
Poster Design: Falun Dafa Around the World
2003-02-17 -
Song: Free Charles Li
2003-02-16My friend Charles Liyou flew overseasto visit your familyIn the land of China where you learnedThe practice Falun Dafa, that made you healthy, and now because of your benevolent beliefThey kidnapped you in the streets, and you haven't been heard from again!
Painting: Colourful Leaves
2003-02-16 -
Poem: Diamond-Like
2003-02-16Diamond-like, from the smallestMicrocosms within one body,Consolidating and encompassingZhen, Shan, Ren... As the rectification unfolds, A new cosmos is revealed,Every practitioner a facet of Falun Dafa'sTimeless immensity.
Painting: Children Playing for Fun