
  • Confucianism and Daoism Are of the Same Origin – the Guodianchu Scroll Is the Discovery of the Millennium

    People always believed that Confucianism and Daoism were conflicting philosophies. From the Guodianchu Scroll’s article “Lao Zi,” we can see that both are from the same origin, and their ideas support one another. Lao Zi himself didn’t criticize Confucianism, but clearly supported and agreed with the concepts of holiness, benevolence, righteousness, etiquette, filial piety, and compassion.
  • Traditional Culture: Teachings for Enlightening Children (Part I)

    China was once called "The Nation of Etiquette and Morality." But the beautiful Chinese traditional etiquette and morality have been trampled and destroyed since the Communist specter stationed itself in the once-civilized China and promoted the deviated theories and evil notions of falsehood, evil, and aggression. In today's China, adults have little knowledge of the morals that even little children knew in ancient times. Therefore, I have tentatively interpreted selected parts of Teachings for Enlightening Children for the benefit of the public.
  • Leafelt Regarding Self-Immolation Hoax

    In light of the AP's recent article about the self-immolation, NYC practitioners made a flyer that talks about how and why the self-immolation was staged, and demonstrates much of the evidence we have uncovered thus far.
  • A Collection of Sojourns

    The shrouded figure walks in a haze of cold gloom, wandering, following the heart as a compass through a twilight world of horrors. Buffeted by the Banshees wailing wind, discovering comfort in the forbearance of the icy bite of winter’s gale that freezes every single bone.
  • A Short Play: "Visiting Relatives"

    With the persecution still occurring in China, Falun Gong practitioners are using every form of media to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong to the people of the world. Whether the media is in the form of art, poetry, literature etc. Falun Gong practitioners are putting their talents to good use, in order for more people to come to see the true beauty of Falun Dafa and the ugliness of the persecution.
  • Story: The Locket

  • Consonantia: Reflections of Respect: Honours Awarded Falun Dafa is Published

    This book is a collection of over 600 proclamations awarded to Falun Dafa from 1992 to 2001. The proclamations were submitted by various governments and civil organizations from the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Russia, and Japan, to name a few.