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Music: Chinese Zither - Little Angel
2005-10-20Realplayer On-line (2:36)Realplayer Download (409Kb)MP3 Download (1,455Kb)
Fun with Tang Dynasty Poetry: “Residing under Mossy Rocks”
2005-10-19The poet and nature are in one. What a wonderful realm! In another of his poems, Han Shan wrote, “Tigers and deer are my neighbours.” It means that tigers and deer often visit him at his lodge on the mountain. There are many records of lofty monks in Chinese history who were able to live peacefully with wild beasts and, in some cases, wild beasts would even perform services for them. That is but a natural outcome when a person restores his mind to its natural state and when he connects with the world’s creatures through his kindness.
Flute Solo: “Warm Spring Blossoms”
2005-10-17Realplayer On-line (6:03)Realplayer Download (1,453Kb)MP3 Download (1,778Kb)
A Story About An Owl Who Cherished A Dead and Decaying Mouse
2005-10-16However Bianji knew that Zhuangzi was coming to visit him and he felt quite uneasy. He thought, "Zhuangzi is much more knowledgeable than me and he is probably going to try and take over my country. Is he coming to fight for the position of Prime Minister?" Out of fear, Bianji ordered that Zhuangzi be arrested upon his arrival. Zhuangzi was very surprised when this actually happened but he managed to escape. When he saw Bianji, he looked him straight in the eye and walked towards him.
Poem: China's New Day
2005-10-15Traversing widest oceanswhere countless vessels find sail.With the turning of tidesdarkest storms subside.And the light of compassion prevails.
Stories from Ancient China: Zhang Caigeng
2005-10-14Afterwards, the emperor ordered a sudden inspection at his house during the mealtime and had his food brought back to the imperial palace. The emperor looked at the confiscated dishes to find that they were indeed ordinary vegetable dishes and coarse brown rice as Zhang Mi had described. The emperor admired him very much for his simple life style, so he gave Zhang Mi a nickname: Zhang Caigeng (張菜羹). Caigeng means vegetable dishes in Chinese.
Female Vocal: “The Song of Sweet Elixir”
2005-10-13Realplayer On-line (3:04)Realplayer Download (481Kb)MP3 Download (3,593Kb)
Fun with Tang Dynasty Poetry: “At Heron Lodge”
2005-10-12In just ten simple Chinese characters, Wang Zhihuan portrayed a powerful painting with both still and moving themes and a magnificent view. In just ten simple Chinese characters, he brought the readers to the scenery without actually being there and made the readers open up their heart to the grand, magnificent view. Wang Zhihuan used ten very ordinary characters, but he drew a philosophical law that everyone can relate to: “You can enjoy a grander sight By climbing to a greater height.”
Poem: The Helm
2005-10-11Valleys to mountainshorizons and beyondThe Fa calling heartsto highest realms.
Ancient Cultivation Stories: The “Benevolent” Mr. Wang, a Buddhist Cultivator
2005-10-11The elderly man stopped him again and called out to him, “Hey! The Benevolent Mr. Wang! What is the matter with you? I thought you were a kindhearted man. We are predestined to travel together. How can you abandon your travelling partner and take off without even saying goodbye? Fortunately I got up early and caught up with you in time. Come. Come. Let me have a ride on your donkey!” The Benevolent Mr. Wang could not bring himself to refuse the elderly man, so he had no choice but to move half of the ash from the donkey again and carry it on his back so that the elderly man may have his ride.
Taoist Scriptures and Politics
2005-10-09In the eyes of Lao Zi, a perfect emperor should be "quiet and inactive," he should obey the Tao, and he should follow the people, that is all. To the people, "what is the importance of an emperor's power to me?" To an emperor, "if I do nothing, the people will civilise themselves; if I like quietness, the people will be righteous by themselves. If I do not interrupt, the people will become rich by themselves, if I have no desire, the people will become simple by themselves." (Chapter 57) This is the perfect state of governing a country that the Taoist scriptures clarified.
Poem: Let the Truth be Told
2005-10-08How long mustthe innocent suffer.How many lies canChina’s people be told?With the ‘Party’ andits spectre presiding.How many lives have beenruined and hearts made cold?
Music: We Want Freedom For the People
2005-10-08After I read the editorials by The Epoch Times about the crimes of the CCP - Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party - I wrote the text to this song to give support the Chinese people. It's the first time that the history and the crimes of the party have been so comprehensively and systematically revealed. - Download We Want Freedom For the People for free by clicking here.
Poem: Horizons Unfolding
2005-10-07Horizons unfolding to widest heavensworlds where no hearts collide.Moments to aeon's come interwovenwhen tides find calm and storms subside.
Poem: A Winter's Close 2005-10-06Until every cloud dispersingand hearts shining luminous golda time like no other seasonwhere new and unrivalled worlds behold.