Other News
A Guard Who Knows the Truth about Falun Gong Feigns Sleep to Help Practitioners Escape
2003-07-17A clerk with the government of a small town has often been sent to guard illegally-arrested Falun Gong practitioners. Many of his relatives and friends practice Falun Gong and have clarified the truth about Falun Gong to him, so he knows that Jiang's regime is persecuting good people. Every time he was put on duty to guard Falun Dafa practitioners, he would treat them nicely, give them food and water and secretly tell them that his relatives and friends also practice Falun Gong.
The Persecution is the Result of Jiang's Decision to Override the Government's Decision with his Own Will
2003-07-16From the great amount of testimonies and material evidence that Falun Gong practitioners have published on Dafa website's to expose the persecution, we can see that when some local policemen treated Falun Gong practitioners badly, practitioners usually questioned them peacefully and seriously according to law and principles, but the excuses that those policemen often gave right away were usually the same: "You can go to (reason with) Jiang Zemin. It is Jiang that asks (us) to do this."
The Sound of "Falun Dafa Is Good" Reverberates through the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-15In April of 2002, I was again abducted to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp. Almost a yearlong tribulation strengthened my determination to cultivate in Dafa, and helped me understand the reasons behind the evil's persecution. Everyday I could hear Dafa practitioners' strong voices: "Falun Dafa is good!" Dafa disciples resisted the evil's persecution in labour camp meetings and in other gatherings.
Short Stories About Righteous Thoughts
2003-07-13They looked like they had nothing better to do than bullying good people. I asked them: 'Why are you always pestering C? He is a good person. He never cheats or hurts anybody. Why do you keep harassing him just because he practises Falun Gong?' The two became red in the face and left. Ever since then, those people don't dare to come into the store to look for you anymore. Now they just peek from outside the door."
Retired Cadres: "Falun Gong Is So Great, We'll Start Practising Today!"
2003-07-13One day I visited two retired cadres to clarify the truth to them. I talked to them about how Falun Gong teaches people to better themselves as well as the wonderful health benefits that come with the practise. I shared with them the wonderful improvements in mind and body that I have experienced myself. I also told them how Jiang Zemin persecutes Falun Gong and is now being sued forgenocide in an American court. As we chatted, I clarified the truth from one issue to another. After listening they both said: "Falun Gong is so great, we'll start practicing today!"
Eight-Year-Old Practitioner Resists the Persecution
2003-07-12Someone once told him, "Long-Long, both your father and mother have abandoned you. How pitiful you are!" He answered, "My father and mother are good people. They love me. I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. I am not to be pitied at all."
A Four-Year-Old Says, "I Went to Save People."
2003-07-12A 4-year-old watched a truth-clarification video about the staged self-immolation in Tiananmen Square, and then told his preschool teacher, "The police beat Falun Gong practitioners. Those policemen are bad people." He then demonstrated the sitting position to other children in the same school. Another time he even requested to go to the countryside with Dafa practitioners to pass out truth clarifying materials. He helped place materials door by door.
Two People Awaken to the Facts
2003-07-10Mr. Wang, I spoke in one of the meetings about Falun Gong and criticised Dafa. Because of the situation I was deceived and was forced to do so. I really did not know how serious the results could be. Now I greatly regret my actions! Please excuse me!" Mr. Wang told him, "It is not too late to make amends! Please keep 'Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance' in your heart! Always remember that 'Falun Dafa is good!'"
The Media in Mainland China Block Reports of Large-Scale Protests in Hong Kong
2003-07-09According to a Free Asia report of July 2, on July 1, nearly 500,000 people paraded through the streets of Hong Kong to protest the Hong Kong government's looming implementation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, because of the restrictions and threats it will impose upon speech, organisation and religious activities in the future. Nevertheless, television stations, newspapers and other media outlets in Mainland China blocked this significant news and failed to report on it.
Chinese Officials Cover Up the True Situation of the SARS Epidemic to Save Their Jobs
2003-07-09For the most part, the SARS situation in China has been covered up. Recently, the Chinese government held an internal teleconference and relayed one of Jiang Zemin's orders, namely: "If more SARS infections and proliferations are reported, local government and party officials will be subject to immediate dismissal."
Stories of Chinese People Awakening to the Truth
2003-07-07Practitioner Huizhen herself went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa. Her husband, Police Officer Chen, personally participated in her arrest and showed no mercy, even to his wife. After a period of kind and patient explanations, Chen's attitude toward Dafa completely changed. Now he fully supports his wife's Falun Gong practice. In the evening he accompanies his wife to paste up signs that clarify the truth and hand out flyers.
Hotel Manager's Logic Silences the Evil "610 Office" Personnel
2003-07-07There is an employee of a certain hotel in China, a Falun Gong practitioner who works hard according to the high standards of Truthfulness -- Compassion -- Forbearance. Her manager appreciates that Falun Dafa teaches people to behave well and that practitioners are good people. Many times the county "610 Office" personnel have harassed the hotel unreasonably with fines because of having a practitioner working there.
Stories of people learning the facts about Falun Gong
2003-07-05Once a department store executives gave tests to identify younger executives for promotion. One of the managers passed all the professional tests, but failed the political one, the reason being the political test focused on Falun Gong and he knew the truth about Falun Gong. Facing the great potential for personal gain, after careful consideration, this young manager decided to choose justice and conscience. He chose to support Dafa, which meant he would have to give up the promotion. Though his director tried to persuade him several times, he insisted on his position.
A Practitioner's Elderly Father Has Been Helping to Clarify the Facts about Dafa for Three Years
2003-06-30He gave the CDs to the families with VCD players, and the cassettes to families with a cassette player. For those who didn't have these electronic appliances, he would simply give them a pamphlet. When he went out, his pocket would be full of Dafa materials. This elderly man close to 70 does the work so conscientiously, it even makes me feel ashamed in this respect.
Many Families in Our Village Tune in Their Televisions to Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Programs
2003-06-30Many households in the village received these truth-clarification programs. Some people who could not receive the signals climbed on the roofs of their houses to adjust their antennas. Now, most people in the village understand the truth of Dafa and the persecution.