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Suggestions for Falun Dafa Coordinators Who Harbor Attachments
2013-02-15I knew several practitioners in my local area who did not do things according to the Fa principles. They did not listen to the ideas of others and often had conflicts with fellow practitioners when coordinating projects. I considered writing about these cultivation issues for a long time, but I thought that it might not be appropriate. I changed my mind today.
Experience Sharing from Two Art Exhibitions in Sweden 2012
2013-02-04It was important to distribute materials widely, especially here, because the art gallery was not centrally situated. A few practitioners wanted to distribute materials in the suburbs and in the city centre, while a practitioner living in the town went on foot or by bus to different places with materials, as she knew the city. The rest of us from other parts of Sweden hung the paintings and guided the people at the exhibition.
Understanding the Meaning during Fa Study Is Most Important
2013-02-04Not getting the meaning of the Fa can be caused by one's own distraction. For example, while reading the Fa, a practitioner might think that drying the clothes outside might not work to-day because it might rain, or she needs to finish reading earlier because she has an appointment with a friend, etc. Allowing these random thoughts to flow interferes with the Fa-study and prevents the mind from being quiet.
Looking Within, Attachments, and True Cultivation
2013-01-11In daily life, we should use our strong determination and righteous thoughts to control our thoughts. It might be hard, but we can do a bit every day and continue doing it until it becomes a natural habit. Thus a mechanism is formed. Otherwise, we will keep looking at others' faults whenever we have a thought. A fellow practitioner's level increases through true cultivation. It is not done by being looked at or criticized by me.
We Should Study the Fa with Our Hearts and It Should Not Become a Formality
2013-01-11From my own experience, I think the following is the main cause of the problem: Many practitioners think that studying the Fa is the easiest of the three things. I think it is the hardest. The reason why practitioners think it's easy is probably because they are not really “learning” the Fa and are merely reading the Fa mechanically. Their minds are not focused on the Fa and on cultivating their hearts.
Kindness and Dignity
2013-01-04“Dignity” is such an important value in human life that some people view it as essential. Especially for Dafa practitioners, shouldn't we emphasize our dignity besides valuing the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance? How should we view practitioners’ dignity? I would like to share my viewpoint through several examples.
Avoiding the Trap of Human Emotions
2013-01-04I have noticed that some practitioners find it hard to identify their human emotions, which of course are directly related to the tribulations that they encounter. I would like to share my thoughts on this topic, in the hope of helping others avoid the trap of human emotions.
Sharing on Using Media to Promote Shen Yun and Clarify the Truth
2012-12-28While searching for the Shen Yun theatre, British Dafa practitioners truly improved as a whole through group Fa study. There was good news at the end of last year: the 2012 Shen Yun venue had been secured. However, almost at the same time, I got a full time job offer.
To Truly Believe and to Truly Cultivate
2012-12-28I am from Switzerland. I obtained the Fa in 1997. I knew immediately this was what I had been searching for, for such a long time. I recall that my first session took place on a Friday evening and on the Saturday I spent nearly the whole day learning to do the exercises by myself. At that time we did not yet have the book Zhuan Falun in French and I was fortunate enough to be part of the translation group.
Clarifying the Truth at Tourist Spots
2012-12-21One day I was clarifying the truth at tourist spots alone. I met a tour guide who I was familiar with and greeted this person. A few people were chatting near us. One of them who I never met before said in an unfriendly way: “Being retired, you can choose other things to do, why do you come here?”
To Handle the Lack of Time with Righteous Thoughts
2012-12-21I would like to share with you about the issue of lack of time and how that relates to my lack of righteous thoughts. This experience of mine was formed based on a few events, kindly arranged by Master. The first one made me realise that the expression “I did not have time” is actually a false expression.
The Shining Light of Dafa Eliminates All Darkness
2012-12-07We realised the importance and power of group Fa-study after attending a group Fa-study, so we decided to have a daily group Fa-study with our four family members, apart from individual Fa-study. The daily Fa-study and sharing within our family members as well as with other practitioners made us understand that, only Fa -study can produce righteous thoughts and help us deal with all problems using a cultivator’s mindset.
Thanking Master for the Opportunity to get Involved with Shen Yun
2012-12-07Like many other practitioners, in the last few years, I had the opportunity to get involved with Shen Yun, giving me the chance to assisting Master during the Fa rectification to save sentient beings. Throughout the years of doing Shen Yun, there were areas I did not do well, whilst having more righteous thoughts in other aspects, thanks to Master’s strengthening. Today I would like to share with you all my experiences.
Some Reflections on My Cultivation
2012-11-30It has been 7 years now since I obtained the Fa in October 2005. For more than 6 years I have been a Dafa disciple in the Fa-Rectification period. In my normal job I work as a Journalist – a job that requires fast writing skills. Despite this, it has taken me 5 years to write this experience-sharing article.
Never Give Up: Cultivation Experience in Doing Media Projects
2012-11-30With the 2012 European Fa Conference being held in Belgium, I realised that however many aspects I still need to improve in, I still should reflect upon my cultivation for the process of more than a decade. Today I am sharing my cultivation experience here with you, gained from doing media projects in the past ten more years.