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Clearharmony and Europe as one body
2003-06-15Although we may feel that a piece of news is not big and not worth writing an article about, I think we should look at in terms of how we can help achieve an overall effect. For a daily website, we need news every day. Each contribution is truly valuable, no matter how small, and will contribute to making the site strong that day. Even though an activity or letter is not major on its own, if you write an article about it, then when it appears alongside another 7 or 8 articles that day from different places in Europe, then the effect is really great, and the readers will really feel - Falun Dafa is so wide-spread and accepted across Europe - look what is happening every day!. So, we really should consider the importance of writing articles as part of a larger picture, rather than worrying that something isn't such strong news on its own.
Put Aside Pre-conceived Notions - Study the Fa and Cultivate with a Pure Heart
2003-06-15I suddenly discovered that the inner meaning contained in Zhuan Falun is truly boundless. It all depends on how pure your heart is...The more we study the Fa the purer our minds and thoughts will be. We will be more assimilated with Dafa, and be more capable of distinguishing the righteous from evil.
My Experience of Calling People in China to Clarify the Truth
2003-06-14The most important thing, from my experience, is studying the Fa. Whenever I study the Fa well, it will go smoothly when I call China. While making calls, I can feel my righteous thoughts are very strong, my heart is completely for the well being of others and I only think in my heart how to save others.
My Understanding of Using the Lawsuit against Jiang to Clarify the Truth
2003-06-11I haven't done very well in cooperating to use the lawsuit against Jiang as a tool in clarifying the truth. I have discovered that the reason deep in my heart is that my understanding of the Fa is not in harmony with the current status of the Fa-rectification, and accordingly, I haven't paid enough attention to this issue.
Dr. Charles Li Only Wants to Expose a Worse Plague
2003-06-11What Dr. Charles Li wanted to do was expose the Jiang regime's crimes to the light of day. Usually, evil forces hide themselves and are afraid of sunlight. Exposing their crimes is the most effective way of stopping the spread of crimes. If the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners are widely exposed in China, the rights of Falun Gong practitioners will be vindicated, and the Chinese people's rights will also be vindicated. All Chinese people would benefit from this.
Seize the Opportunity to Better Clarify the Truth In Support of the Lawsuit Against Jiang
2003-06-10The decision the judge will soon make is not merely a ruling reached during a routine legal proceeding; in fact it determines whether millions upon millions can be saved. The old forces will never let any opportunity to do damage pass.As Dafa practitioners, we are shouldering an important historical responsibility. Every thought of ours and every second during this critical period are of vital importance.
Gradually I Learned the Importance of "Solemn Declarations"
2003-06-10To declare that all the mistakes I made are null and void is fundamentally negating the old force's arrangements, and is a heavy blow to the evil -- a blow that they fear the most. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun, "But with the thought of doing cultivation, just with this wish in their minds, it shines like gold and shakes the Ten-Directional World". The same situation occurs when we truly recognise the importance of "solemn declarations." That thought shines like gold, and shakes the Ten-directional world.
Is There A President of Any Country Who Is As Evil and Cruel as Jiang Zemin?
2003-06-05What Jiang Zemin hates is the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance", something that people everywhere have embraced. The very people he has been madly trying to eradicate are those who practise "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in their daily lives, Falun Gong practitioners. Because of his personal jealousy and his insecurity about his power, he decided to use any means that he could to unleash his personal vendetta, fanning and spreading hatred and prejudice. Isn't this someone that the humanity should be ashamed of?
Seeing Master for the First Time and Upgrading Xinxing at the Canada Fa Conference 2003
2003-06-01I stayed with Westerner, Canadian organisers. They generously let me help a little in the writing of an opening speech for the Vancouver parade and I sent righteous thoughts whilst the media volunteer contacted journalists by phone. I thought Id learn a lot from their techniques but they are in many ways no more sophisticated than we, but they are much more open. This gives a purity that is harder to tarnish with hidden attachments. They are much more honest about conflicts.
Revealing the Truth about Falun Gong to Everyone I Meet
2003-06-01Having no other avenue to appeal my unjust treatment, I shouted loudly: "I practise Falun Gong! Please come and take a look. The policemen are unreasonable. They went to my home and confiscated all my books. I was lame for 25 years, and had taken tons of medicines that did not work, yet I have practised Falun Gong for only three months, and all my illnesses have been cured. My Teacher is the greatest! They treat our Teacher and Falun Gong unjustly!" As soon as I raised my voice, the security guard was frightened and quickly ran away. Many passersby surrounded me and so I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to them.
A French Practitioners Experiences in Tiananmen Square Last Year
2003-05-26I vividly remember again what happened half an hour later and the eternal moment is indelibly etched on my mind: I stood up and walked to the centre of Tian An Men Square. I could hear nothing. At that very moment, there was only Dafa, the banner and myself. I took the banner out of the map, waved it above my head, and shouted loudly and wholeheartedly, Falun Dafa is good. I shall always remember these few seconds. A couple of policemen came afterward and tried to knock me down.
Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice In the Court of Morality, In the Court of Conscience, and In Courts of Law All Over the World
2003-05-24The persecution has reached over 60 countries and wrecked the lives and happiness of countless people. More importantly, Jiang's persecution has not stopped at Falun Gong. Through his campaign of persecution and slander against Falun Gong, Jiang is in fact also deceiving and harming people all over the world; he has wreaked havoc upon people's pursuit of higher moral standards, and suppressed people's good conscience -- the damage done to all of human society has been immeasurable.
Recounting the Journey of Falun Dafa Practitioners from a Region in Northern China
2003-05-23Some government agencies started to investigate us secretly, especially towards some Dafa practitioners at management levels. They talked with us, showed "consideration" towards us, and warned that we needed to pay attention to our "influence," etc. I once asked them, "Our practise aims at being a better person, and improving physical health. Plus, we have been doing well at work. How can there be any negative influences?" They had nothing to say. That is to say, the hidden persecution, as we know it, already started as early as the beginning of 1998.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province Successfully Hold A Ten Day Class to Watch Teacher Li's Lectures on Video
2003-05-23Among attendees in the class were retirees over 60 year old, elementary school students of a little over ten years old, plus some practitioners who were just back to practising Falun Dafa for a few days after giving up for several years. While listening to Teacher Li's lectures, practitioners were deeply moved. Many practitioners said: "We haven't heard Teacher Li's voice for so many years. How kind and great this is!"
The Journey of Falun Dafa Practitioners from a Region in Northern China
2003-05-21Mr. An was responsible for a several hundred million Yuan investment. The wicked people could not believe that he hadn't made a single mistake in handling such a large amount of money. They investigated Mr. An only to find that Mr An should have reported several thousands Yuan worth of receipts as expenses owed by the work unit to him. In the end, the section leader who was responsible for the investigation had to admit admirably: "Cadres as pure as you no longer exist anymore, it is such a pity." Although Mr. An was so pure and righteous, he was stripped of all his titles and responsibilities.