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In the Midst of Heartache and Despair, a Woman Encounters Falun Dafa
2012-08-03I began practising Falun Gong in 1996. I have long considered writing about my experiences with Falun Gong, but I did not bring myself to do so, as I had misgivings, feeling that I could barely be counted as a worthy Falun Gong practitioner. Today I saw some Udumbara flowers blossom in my home, which reminded me of the imperativeness of the time, and I made up my mind to write about my cultivation experiences.
Learning to Consider Others First
2012-08-03When I looked inward, I found many attachments. I discovered that I always blamed others when I came across any problems. I would ask, “Why was she/he like that?” However, I didn’t think about what I did. It's already become natural for me to blame others and complain about them. I did not consider others first. I did not behave in accordance with the principle of “ looking inward”.
A Realization of “Cultivating as Though Just Beginning”
2012-08-03One day, in my heart I asked Master about my doubts. Why is my improvement so slow? Master opened my mind and replied with - Relinquish. After that, the doubt resurfaced. In these many years of cultivation there have been so many human things that I have given up, they shouldn't be bringing about any hindrances. Afterwards I continued to study the Fa of Zhuan Falun and Zhuan Falun (Volume II), then I suddenly enlightened.
Walking a Straight Path
2012-07-27Assisting with Master's Fa-rectification among everyday people and our cultivation are a very small part amidst the Fa-rectification of the enormous universe's system. How many cosmic bodies and systems are there in the universe? How many universes? How many lives are there? It's all beyond measure! It's Master's Fa-rectification that is in control of everything, from the macro to the micro.
No Time to Waste in Helping Former Practitioners
2012-07-27In Teacher's recent lecture “20th Anniversary Fa Teaching,” many practitioners in our local area were shocked and felt deeply saddened with the seriousness of Teacher's words towards certain practitioners.
With the Right Basis and Firm Righteous Thoughts, a Miracle Occurred
2012-07-27When a practitioner was distributing truth-clarification materials, he was shot in the leg by police. And then he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. It has been 11 years since he was imprisoned. He has been persisting in his belief and has not signed a guarantee statement. Just before May 01, 2010 his family received information that he had become severely “ill”. A number of fellow practitioners and his wife (also a practitioner) realized that this was an opportunity that Master provided so we could rescue him.
My Cultivation Experience in Fa Study and Sending Righteous Thoughts
2012-07-24When I study the Fa, whether it’s Zhuan Falun or any of Master's lectures, I often experience a sudden enlightenment and a heat wave inside my body. However, my human side may not be clear about the exact understanding I came across. When I study the Fa, every cell in my body is very excited. While reading, I can feel a warm energy flowing inside my chest; afterwards my chest is filled with warmth.
Two Simple Stories from My Cultivation Path
2012-07-24When we routinely study Zhuan Falun without a pure mind and heart, oftentimes we can´t assimilate ourselves to the Fa and cannot fill up our bodies in other dimensions with the Fa. Hence we stagnate and maybe even fall downwards if our minds are somewhere else. Master has told us again and again to study the Fa better and I am still far from reaching the standard.
The Story of My Miracle Baby
2012-07-20Falun Dafa was introduced to the public 20 years ago. Many people who practise Falun Dafa have experienced miracles and I am one of them. I would like to share my story with all of you.
Practising Falun Gong to Become a Kind Person
2012-07-20I am 53 years old and began practising Falun Dafa in 1998. I have witnessed the magic and power of Dafa. After the communist party began the brutal persecution of Dafa, I was placed in a labour camp twice. However my belief was never shaken. Many people felt puzzled and confused that I still kept on practising under the persecution. I told them, "What Falun Dafa gives us is the most precious thing that can be given."
Eliminating Interference and Studying the Fa with a Calm Mind
2012-07-17There were times when I couldn't calm my mind when studying the Fa. My eyes were looking at the Fa and my mouth was reading the Fa quietly. However, my brain was busy thinking of all kinds of everyday issues. After recognizing this interference, I tried to stop my extraneous thoughts and was successful on and off. But, without noticing, these distracting thoughts sneaked back into my mind. Generally, when I realized that my thoughts were interfered with, I re-read the Fa, but I was worried about my inability to rid myself of this interference.
Finding Myself in the Process of Finding Other Practitioners
2012-07-17After reading Teacher's latest lecture, I realized that the two most important things Dafa disciples should do now are one, to save sentient beings, and two, to find practitioners who used to practise and those who have not stepped forward. I began the search immediately.
My Thanks to Master for His Infinite Grace
2012-07-10In July 1996 when I was at a friend's home, someone gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun. Once I started to read it, I couldn't stop. I read till 4:00 a.m. the next morning. I was shocked by the contents of the book. It answered all of my questions. I can't describe how excited and happy I was. I decided to practise Falun Gong right away and found a practice site close to my home.
Walking on the Path to Godhood
2012-07-10On the day before Chinese New Year's Eve, the old woman brought 500 yuan and gifts to my son, but he told her, “Please enjoy them yourself for the New Year.” She knelt down and begged my son to accept them. My son helped her up and walked her home with the money and gifts. The old woman said as they walked along, “It's rare to find such a good person that won't accept gifts."
Following Teacher and Cultivating to the End
2012-07-06I started practising Falun Gong at the end of 2004, shortly after I withdrew from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. By studying the Fa diligently, I finally found the answers that had eluded me for many years. I realized that everything in this world was arranged by higher beings and that humans have to return to their origins. I was certain that Falun Dafa was what I had been looking for.