Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice
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How My Commuting To Work Changed
2003-01-18About a year ago I almost exclusively used my car to get to work, a drive of approximately 15 minutes. Using public transport would take one hour. Every time my wife had need of the car, I used the train. Since my working schedules varied, I discovered that at certain times, ever more Chinese students were travelling by train. A good opportunity, I thought, for me to tell them about Falun Dafa and explain the truth about the persecution to them.
Cultivating a Compassionate Heart to Sincerely Contribute For The Sake of Others
2003-01-18I started to complain about however good I was at home, my husband would not be satisfied. He especially did not have a right understanding of Dafa. As I incessantly gave examples, I realised my lack of compassion towards my husband. In fact, everything I did for him was hidden behind a selfish heart.
Germany: An experience of Ones practice benefits the entire family
2003-01-17A real example of ones practice benefits the entire family reflected in actual life is that those in my family who are not practitioners seldom become sick, and I have gradually become used to this. However when I thought more about this, I realized this attitude is incorrect; I then thought that this is an opportunity given me to validate Dafa.
A Practitioner's Kindness is Displayed Through a Small Matter
2003-01-16The next day, I related this small incident to my husband, who is not a practitioner, and he was really moved by it just like I had been. He said that it would have been much better if I had offered her all of my meal. Later that evening, I spotted my husband picking up his English version of "Zhuan Falun", which till then had been left there unread for a long time.
Practitioners Righteous Thoughts in Hebei Province Lead to positive Outcomes
2003-01-16After receiving notice of being sentenced to forced labour, they ripped the notice into pieces. A wicked official said, "You won't be able to go home until the 16th Party Congress is over." The Falun Dafa practitioners firmly said, "Your words mean nothing to us."
Dafa's Gentle Mercy Touches My Elderly Mother
2003-01-16After she and I had a nasty argument one time, I had left the house with the situation unresolved. I had been ashamed when she told me how she'd cried when some flowers delivered shortly afterwards turned out not to be from me. I therefore decided that this year I would have some flower's delivered to her...
To place the Fa first, always
2003-01-15One day while my mind was calm I read Master Lis latest article Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A. and Essentials for further advancement over and over again, I then found that the attachment of vanity which prevented me from looking inside myself was holding me back.
Impact of the "Rescue Our Family Members" Campaign on Mainland China
2003-01-14Falun Dafa practitioners and other people outside of China have been appealing to world governments and people to rescue practitioners under persecution in Mainland China. This has greatly encouraged practitioners and the general population in Mainland China. It has also sent a stern warning to the police and their accomplices that have undertaken the task of persecuting Dafa practitioners. Here is an example of the power of the efforts made by everyone in the "Rescue Our Family Members" Campaign
Australia: The Chinese People are Coming to Realise the Truth about the Persecution of Falun Dafa
2003-01-14Many Chinese people are coming to realise the truth about the persecution of Falun Dafa in china even though the propaganda trying to defame it is still showing. They can now see past Jiang Zemin's lies and know that Falun Dafa is good. These are several experiences from a practitioner in Sydney when clarifying the truth to people in China.
My Brother's Mind is Opened
2003-01-14Before learning Falun Dafa my family relationships were very poor and we all had much bitterness from old 'injustices ' in our hearts. As Dafa's light illuminated this situation for me, I made peace with four of my five siblings. One by one I moved them by simple acts of kindness.
One Righteous Thought
2003-01-14I am going to talk about an experience I had In London. We demonstrate 24 hours a day at the Chinese Embassy and one night at about 2.30 am I was reading Zhuan Falun on my own. I remember it was very cold so I had a blanket around my legs. As I was sitting there a car pulled up in the middle of the street and out got a man with a knife in his hand he came very close and then looked to see whether anybody was around the corner.
The Story of Some T-Shirts
2003-01-13There are the postman, salesmen, fund-raisers, strangers who ask for directions and even the beggars, people from all walks of life. As long as they press our door bell, and when I am kept busy, my husband in his SOS T-shirt will open the door to greet them. Wearing the T-shirt is a more efficient way to advertise Falun Gong than handing out Dafa newspapers or fliers in a hurry.
A Few Words About Buddha Light
2003-01-12The millions of Dafa practitioners are like lights in this world. Our kind and righteous words and conduct are the shining rays of light. The more people we encounter, the broader the region bathed in light. Lets make all the people in every corner on this planet feel the warmth of Buddha light, make them feel the greatness and solemnity of Buddha Fa!
Learning From a Dream
2003-01-11Then I woke up from hearing my own voice. With my mouth wide open and finger pointing ahead, I could still hear my voice clearly ringing out. Suddenly I realised I shouldnt get angry so easily. A cultivator should keep calm and tranquil under any circumstance...
"What They Said on CCTV about Your Teacher Was All Lies"
2003-01-10He saw that Teacher's home was in a very common residential building, and the door had been sealed by the police. He said, "CCTV said that your Teacher owns a villa. What absolute nonsense. It's not like that at all." While saying good-bye, he told me again, "Your Teacher's former apartment is really very ordinary."