Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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After Reading Zhuan Falun, a Terminal Cancer Patient Recovered in Two Months
2005-10-13A few days after I started reading Zhuan Falun, my lungs no longer felt as if they were being squashed with a heavy object, as they had before. Breathing became much easier and walking was not as difficult as before. By March of 2005, I could work in the fields again. It was less than two months from the time I started to learn about Falun Dafa to the time I returned to work.
I Don't Need the Cardiac Monitor Anymore
2005-10-12Before I started to practise Falun Gong, my health was terrible. At just over 40 years old, I had problems all over my body, the most serious of which were sleep apnea and an irregular heartbeat. The doctor said that my life was at risk. Life was easier during the daytime, but at night I needed special attention because it was very possible for me to die in my sleep. Hearing all that, my whole family was worried. In the middle of the night, I saw my wife's trembling hand turning on my cardiac monitor, but I was helpless to comfort her.
Terminally Ill Patient Cured by Listening to the Falun Gong Teachings
2005-10-10Mr. Jia had not eaten for four days. As he listened to the lectures, his family members noticed that his situation was improving. After listening to only one tape, he was able to walk without assistance and he ate a bowl of rice and a piece of cake. Encouraged by the change in Mr. Jia, his family members couldn't help saying that Falun Dafa was miraculous and they all wanted to learn Falun Dafa and become practitioners.
Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2005-10-09At 19 years of age, I lost an arm when I went to war for the Chinese Communist Party. Now I am over 70 years old. Before I practised Falun Gong I had many diseases including hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, enteritis, influenza, and hemorrhoids. Last year I even contracted an incurable disease, but thankfully I came across Falun Dafa, which in turn saved my life.
"Falun Dafa Is Truly Great!"
2005-10-08After hearing her out, I started to talk about the beauty of Falun Dafa. She was skeptically at first. Gradually, I told her about my relatives' miraculous changes after sincerely saying, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good." Soon after returning back home, I received a call from her. She told me, "It was great. I said it three times on the way home. As soon as I got home, I greeted my son with a peaceful heart. My son responded with a smile that I have not seen for a long time."
Stop the Persecution Before It Even Happens
2005-10-07It was once told that Buddha Sakyamuni asked his disciple, "How could you keep one drop of water from drying up?" All his disciples could do was look at each other and were unable to offer an answer. Buddha Sakyamuni then told them, "Put it into the ocean." Indeed, the life of one drop of water is short. Yet when it is put into the ocean and becomes part of the ocean, then it obtains a new life. Since the ocean never dries up, the drop of water will live on forever in the ocean.
Treasuring Every Second of Every Day
2005-10-07Each day we live in a society full of temptations. Unconsciously, our thoughts are accepting all kinds of deviated cultures and trends. These have been slowly eroding our mind. Studying the Fa1 everyday can help us to stay vigilant and expel the bad thoughts, and improve our cultivation according to the Fa.
Letting Go of the Attachment to Selfishness
2005-10-05Many fellow practitioners that were close to me also heard them and felt uneasy about them. However, I was not moved. Thinking as a cultivator, I should not be moved by negative factors. I must keep my character high. Was it because I did not study the Fa well these days? The answer was no. Was is because I did not do enough exercises and send forth righteous thoughts? The answer was again no. I sent forth righteous thoughts at least eight times a day and also did the exercises every day. What was the reason for these rumours? I felt frustrated.
Falun Dafa Saved My Entire Family
2005-10-02Now my father is healthy. He has gotten rid of those things that had accompanied half of his life: smoking, drinking and pills, and in particular, the drinking. My whole family used to be hurt so deeply by his addiction to alcohol. Now it's so great because he quit drinking. We can't put into words how grateful we are to Falun Dafa. My mother used to get mad easily. If you asked her to endure, she could not endure. Later when she saw the change in my father, she also wanted to start to practise.
We Must Be Diligent in Our Final Steps of Cultivation
2005-10-01Some elderly practitioners are very attached to affection for family. They put most of their attention on their grandchildren, and worry about their health and comfort. With such a strong attachment, their grandchildren "happen" to have accidents all the time (actually it is the evil interference). As a result, those elderly practitioners are so busy taking care of their grandchildren that they have no time for Fa-study and no mood for truth-clarification.
An Indomitable Spirit Resists Persecution and Torture, and Persists in letting more People Know the Truth
2005-10-01The cadre from the 610 Office replied, "You have been detained for three years. You don't know that the Falun Gong followers now openly act against the CCP and the government." I explained, "We are only fighting for basic human rights and for a peaceful cultivation environment. We only want to be a good people. Does that constitute a crime? As an innocent person, I was incarcerated for six years. How do you justify that?" They were left speechless and didn't dare say one more word.
A Political Science Professor in Taiwan Discovers Falun Gong
2005-09-30Professor Ming said: "I took up the exercise together with my wife. Within a year or so, the benefit was huge. My sleeplessness disappeared, and now it takes less than 10 minutes before I can be in sound sleep. My mental state is naturally better as a result. The pain on my right side of the lower abdomen is gone and so is the occurrence of blood in my urine. What is more, all these wonderful things happened naturally.
Facing A Death Sentence from Liver Cancer, Falun Dafa Saved My Life
2005-09-30My recovery greatly amazed my family and friends. For a long time, people were forced to be quiet and obedient under the evil party's high pressure. Now they are amazed by the miraculous effect that has been unveiled before them. With the support of my second sister, my family members have learnt the truth and now believe in Falun Dafa. Four of us have now started to practise Falun Gong.
How Can Uterine Cancer Disappear in Just Three Weeks?
2005-09-29One day, all of a sudden, she thought of her mother who was over 70 years old. Her mother had been practising "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," the principles of Falun Gong, for more than eight years. Her mother had been very ill and weak before learning the practice. She used to drink wine with every meal, three times a day. When she saw her kids, she would cry in front of them. Her son and daughter wanted to see her but they were simply afraid to. Ever since she began practising Falun Gong however, she got rid of her drinking habit and fully recovered. Now she is very healthy and well known in the village.
I Am Not Afraid Anymore
2005-09-28Since then, I have never been afraid again. When my attachment of fear shows up, I use righteous thoughts to eliminate it. In these years I have posted words in support of Falun Dafa anywhere possible in our area. In the beginning, when we finished our tasks, people who had been influenced by the anti-Falun Gong propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party would cover them up, but we would post them again. Thus, our righteous thoughts and righteous actions helped stop the persecution. Now when we post the words, "Falun Dafa is Good," and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are Good," no one will cover it any more.