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I Would Still Want to Be a Falun Dafa Practitioner If I Were to Choose Again (Part 1)
2004-11-30I often went outside to distribute materials by myself and stayed until the next morning. Many times I felt very thirsty and it was difficult for me to walk a single step further, so I kept encouraging myself by reciting Master's lectures until I passed out the last leaflet I had. Some practitioners were worried about my safety, for I was a girl. I thought, I'm Master's disciple and what I'm doing is the most sacred thing, I will be fine.
My Father Finally Starts to Practise Falun Dafa; Our Relatives Are Amazed by the Effects on his Health
2004-11-29He truly felt what it was like to be living without illness. His excitement could not be expressed in words. He truly felt weightless and was without any illnesses. He walked faster too. When my mother went shopping with him, she could not believe that she could hardly keep up with him. After my father experienced the miracles of Falun Dafa, he remembered his previous attitude towards my practising and expressed his deep regrets and apologies.
A Miraculous Healing: Injured Leg Muscles Recover Without Treatment
2004-11-28The Falun Dafa practitioner went back to the hospital and met with the doctor-in-charge who had previously performed the surgery for him. During investigative surgery, the doctor discovered that the relative's leg muscles had miraculously and nearly completely healed, except for a small section left to grow and heal. The doctor was very surprised. He said, "Your leg muscle does not need to undergo surgical reconstruction; it will recover soon on its own. We only need to remove the steel pins and supports."
The Cultivation Story of a Civil Servant in Taiwan: A Happy Day
2004-11-27I met a colleague on the stairway who practised with me before. She had been very diligent, but suddenly she just stopped coming. I was surprised, so I asked her why she stopped coming. She replied: "I am practising a better form of qigong now." A few days later, she gave me the book that contains the Falun Gong teachings, Zhuan Falun, and told me that Falun Gong cultivates both the mind and the body, and that those who practise Falun Gong truly cultivate themselves.
A 70-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Relates Her Experiences in Letting People Know that Falun Dafa is Good
2004-11-27I told them that there is nothing wrong with practising "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." Falun Dafa cured our illnesses and taught us to be good people. I told them the principle that "Good is rewarded with good and evil will be met by evil." Although these people all understand the truth, they said that it was their job and they still had to monitor me every day. They kept me under surveillance for five days.
Falun Dafa Rid Me of My Illnesses Giving Me a New Life
2004-11-26Since that day, my health went from strength to strength. I walk briskly, like a young person, and don't feel at all like someone of 80 years. Before, I couldn't live without medicine, but now I eat and sleep well, and feel full of energy without the need to take any medicine. People who knew me are very surprised to see me and often ask, "How come you have changed so much? Your cheeks are rosy, your energy is high, and you walk like you have a lot of strength to spare." I tell them that this is all because I practise Falun Gong.
Cancer Patient Given Three Months to Live Becomes Healthy after Practising Falun Dafa
2004-11-26Liang took Shuang to a hospital for an exam. The doctor privately told him that his wife had late stage pelvic cancer and that she could live at most for three more months. This sudden news was like thunder out of a clear sky. Liang was frightened and didn't know what to do. Faced with the possibility that his two children (twins) might lose their mother and that he might lose his beloved wife, Liang was at a loss.
The Symptoms of My Husband's Stroke Disappeared After He Stands Up for Falun Dafa
2004-11-25He always told people that Falun Gong teaches people to be good and there is nothing wrong with Falun Gong. He told people that they shouldn't listen to those fabricated lies. He also recited "Falun Dafa is good" everyday and "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is good" with a sincere heart. During the five years of persecution, he endured a lot of hardships for me but he never talked about himself. Although he did not do the exercises, he always treated himself with the standards of a practitioner and guarded Falun Dafa everywhere he went.
Purifying Ourselves While Helping Let More People Know the Truth About Falun Gong
2004-11-25I began practising Falun Dafa together with my daughter in August 1995. During the period of self-cultivation, my moral character continually improved and my body also underwent great changes. I truly experienced personally what it means to feel light and be free of illness. From the first time I held and read the core Falun Gong teachings in Zhuan Falun, it was as though I had found a precious jewel.
Some Enlightenment from Reading Teacher's New Article 'My Version of a "Stick Wake-up"'
2004-11-25In the past, when Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted, we would look for their shortcomings first, to see where there were gaps, what concepts of theirs were not in line with mine, what were their attachments, and so on. It seemed that the persecution was regarded as a matter of course.
A Breast Cancer Patient Fully Recovers
2004-11-24At that time, one day seemed like a year. I even thought about suicide, but I did not do it for the sake of my children. Before I gave up, someone told me that Falun Gong could heal illness and keep me fit. Then I started to practise Falun Dafa in 1997. As I practised, my health improved daily. The illnesses of many years, including the tumour, disappeared. I felt full of vigour and was not worried about doing housework anymore.
Falun Dafa Turned My Once Withering Health into One with Thriving Vitality
2004-11-23Cultivating in Falun Dafa has enabled my family to become more harmonious. Our Teacher teaches us practitioners to care about others first at all times, including our own family members, and old conflicts seem to just melt away when looked at with compassion. Cultivating with the principle of Truth- Compassion-Forbearance has greatly freed my mind and my life has become very pleasant, carefree and peaceful.
Pure Compassion Shocks And Frightens those Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-11-23How could someone who had benefited so much from practising Falun Dafa ignore this. It was only natural for me to go and peacefully appeal for a stop to this persecution. I therefore went to Beijing twice to appeal. Having the teachings of Falun Gong embedded in my heart, I never wavered in my faith in Falun Dafa and in Teacher whilst facing the evil policemen, regardless of the tricks and tactics they tried on me. I firmly believed it is never wrong to practise "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance."
After Being Deceived By the Lies I Once Again Start to Practise Falun Gong
2004-11-23Before I started practising Falun Dafa, I suffered from rheumatism and I often felt very uncomfortable and even suffered from pains in my heart. On cloudy and rainy days, I would feel terrible pain in my joints. When it rained, or during periods of high humidity, my skin would develop pimples. So whenever it rained I would stay in bed wrapped in a quilt . This condition had been going on for seven or eight years.
My Migraine and Heart Disease Disappear While My Husband Quits Smoking, Drinking and Gambling After Practising Falun Gong
2004-11-22After we started to practise Falun Gong, I could hardly believe how much he changed, he was a completely new person. He quickly discarded his 40-year-old smoking habit and became a kind-hearted and gentle person. Practising Falun Gong enabled him to quickly remove his bad habits. He no longer smokes, does not gamble or drink alcohol and no longer fights with others or verbally abuses them.